One of the greatest mysteries of the
world, for ’which scientist have so far been unable to find any satisfactory
explanation, is the Bermuda Triangle, sometime called "the Graveyard of the
Atlantic." This is an area of the western Atlantic between Bermuda and Florida,
roughly triangular in shape where since 1945 at least a hundred ships and planes
and over a thousand people have disappeared. No wreckage had been found, no
bodies, lifebelts or any other evidence of disater. It is as if these planes,
ships and people had never existed. In some cases a routine radio message has
been received from aircraft reporting everything in order a few minutes before
all contact was lost, in others a weak S. O. S message has been picked up and,
in perfect weather, inexplic A. inexplicable to scientists B. known only to laymen C. known only to scientists D. comprehensible only to scientists [单项选择]大叶性肺炎患者同时出现头痛,其头痛最可能属于下列中的()
A. 颅脑病变 B. 颅外病变 C. 全身性疾病 D. 神经衰弱 E. 癔症性 [判断题]电动吊篮钢丝绳不得有松散、断股、打结现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )《油田公司二级单位井控违规责任追究》,井场不满足井控安全要求,也未按管理程序报告批准就施工,扣除责任单位井控考核分()。
A.5分/次 B.7分/次 C.9分/次 D.10分/次 [多选题]有下列情形之一的建筑起重机械, ( )不得出租.使用:
A. 属国家明令淘汰或者禁止使用的. B. 超过安全技术标准或者制造厂家规定的使用年限的 C. 经检验达不到安全技术标准规定的 D. 完整安全技术档案的 E.没有齐全有效的安全保护装置的。 [多选题]立案审查期间要做的事情包括( ): ( )
A.向被审查人谈话宣布立案决定 B.审查期间对被审查人以同志相称, 保障饮食休息 和医疗服务 C.安排学习党章党规党纪,进行思想政治工作 D.要求被审查人写出忏悔和反思材料 [单选题]如果泵空转或反转会导致( )
A.易造成叶轮上的备帽脱落 B.烧坏密封 C.产生气蚀,损坏叶轮 D.以上都对 [单选题]氧氯化法生产的氯乙烯纯度要求达到( )。
A.99.53% B.99.68% C.99.86% D.99.99% [单项选择]越鞠丸的功用是()
A. 做寒止痛 B. 疏风止痛 C. 活血止痛 D. 行气解郁 E. 理气散结 [填空题]
MP3 A The issue of downloading, copying, burning and distributing mp3s still remains unresolved. What is more, mp3s are still rising in popularity and are known as the superior audio format on the net. The issue affects many people, including producers, sound engineers, graphic artists and song writers as well as musicians. However, it is the record companies which are feeling most threatened. B Mp3s boast the highest compression rates, at 12 to 1, and they maintain sound quality that is nearly as good as a CD as they have drawn on over 15 years of psycho-acoustic research. Their small size makes them quick, easy and reliable to download and they even have the power to increase the number of hits to websites which house them. C It is easy to see why mp3s have become so widely popular these days but there are a number of legal, practical, and ethical issues surrounding t [判断题]《国家电网公司安全工作规定》第九十九条规定:承包方可以将承包工程(接受委托业务)转包。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交