A few common misconceptions. Beauty is
only skin-deep. One’s physical assets and liabilities don’t count all that much
in a managerial career. A woman should always try to look her best. Over the last 30 years, social scientists ’have conducted more than 1,000 studies of how we react to beautiful and not-so-beautiful people. The virtually unanimous conclusion: Looks do matter, more than most of us realize: The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically. With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted. Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties (虔诚)while acting j A. they observe the principle that beauty is only skin-deep B. they do not usually act according to the views they support C. they give ordinary-looking persons the lowest ratings D. they tend to base their judgment on the individual’s accomplishments [单选题]“三高三进”发展思路是( )
A.高质量发展持续进位、高效能治理不断进步、高素质队伍积极进取 B.高质量发展持续进位、高效能治理积极进取、高素质队伍不断进步 C.高质量发展积极进取、高效能治理不断进步、高素质队伍持续进位 D.高质量发展积极进取、高效能治理持续进位、高素质队伍不断进步 [单项选择]饮用水卫生标准中没规定的毒理学指标是()。
A. 铅 B. 汞 C. 铬 D. 锰 E. 硒 [单选题]促进中部地区崛起战略的总体要求是,坚持以科学发展为主题,以加快转变发展方式为主线,以( )为战略基点。
A.转型发展 B.加快经济结构优化升级 C.扩大内需 D.深化改革 [单选题]0-15V量程,测得的电压值为4.0V,那么该电阻两端电压的大小应是(____)。
A.4.0V B.2.0V C.5.0V D.无法确定 [简答题]1在室内动用电焊、气焊等明火时,除按规定办理动火工作票外,还应------,所用的隔板应是防火阻燃材料。
[多选题]分支机构主要职责包括( )、( )。
A.制定安全教育培训计划 B.定期组织开展安全教育学习和应急预案演练 C.定期组织安全学习应急演练视情况可不组织 D.不定期组织开展安全教育学习和应急预案演练 [单选题]在编写教案时,( )决定教学内容、教学流程和总体结构。
A.教学过程设计 B.教学手段 C.教学重点、 D.难点 [单选题]当线路发生短路时,距离保护阻抗元件的测量阻抗为( )
A.负荷阻抗 B.动作阻抗 C.整定阻抗 D.短路阻抗 [单选题]下列各项中,不属于航摄设计书的内容的是()。
A.航摄因子计算表 B.航摄材料消耗计算表 C.航摄鉴定表 D.GPS领航数据表 [多选题]站内其他线路作业人员下道避车应遵守以下规定:站内线路作业,与本线相邻的其他站线来车时可不下道,不必停止作业。
A.对 B.错 C.a、必须 D.b、可不 E.c、视情况 [单项选择]Change is the principle--and the process--that enables us to move on and upward growth and change, of continuous improvement. To make meaningful progress, we need to consider one other aspect of change as it is used only by human our thought. In the words of Madame, "The voice of thought is so soft that it is easy to forget about it, but it is also so clear that it is impossible to misunderstand it."
Just as the education of nerve is most important to the excellent athlete and education of the mind is vital to the scholar, education of the thought is vital to the truly highly effective person. Training and educating the thought, however, requires even greater concentration, more balanced discipline, more consistently honest living. It requires regular feasting on inspiring literature, thinking noble thoughts and, above all, living in harmony with its still small voice. Just as junk food and lack of exercise can ruin an athlete’s condition, those things that are not A. Education in general. B. Education of nerve. C. Education of mind. D. Education of thought. [单选题]大型养路机械在最低环境温度为-7℃施工时,发动机使用的柴油牌号应为( )。[221000000]
A.0 B.-10 C.-20 D.-50 [判断题]消防水带最大承受工作压力为3.0Mpa。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]柴油内燃机一般适用于()的中小型管道。
A. 缺电而功率不大 B. 功率大 C. 供电良好地区 D. 城市的 [单项选择]血精最早见于:
A. 《灵枢》 B. 《金匮要略》 C. 《素问》 D. 《外科正宗》 E. 《诸病源候论》 [单项选择]患儿男,9岁。玩耍时跌倒,手掌着地,伤后15小时就诊,查体:左前臂及左肘关节肿胀明显,压痛,半屈状畸形,手部皮肤苍白,发凉,麻木,桡动脉搏动消失,被动伸指疼痛剧烈。行X线拍片前应首先考虑是()
A. 左尺桡骨双骨折合并前臂骨筋膜室综合征 B. 左肘关节脱位 C. 左肱骨干骨折合并软组织损伤 D. 左肱骨髁上骨折合并前臂骨筋膜室综合征 E. 左Colles骨折合并神经损伤 [多选题]场(厂)区道路交通标志中主标志可分为( )、作业区标志和告示标志。
A.警告标志 B.禁令标志 C.指示标志 D.指路标志 [判断题]使用新烤箱时,必须多注意烤箱内食物的变化,以酌情调整时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发动机涂装时,在涂料选择上要注意涂膜的耐机油性,耐汽油性和耐水性。
A. 单叶对生 B. 单叶互生 C. 每花下仅有1枚干膜质苞片 D. 每花下有1枚干膜质苞片和2枚小苞片 E. 胞果 [判断题]根据发生的概率不同,我们把结果分为基本确定、很可能、可能、极小可能四种类型,其中基本确定指的是大于等于90%以上的概率。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]机车车辆限界分为( ),( )两类。
A.V <200km/h B.V ≧200km/h C.V <160km/h D.V ≧160km/h [单项选择]颈肩部按摩操作顺序是拿揉颈项部()拿揉肩部。
A. 按压肩井、秉风、天宗穴 B. 滚肩部 C. 指压棘突两侧 D. 揉肩胛 [判断题]变电检修(施工) 作业, 工作票签发人或工作许可人认为有必要现场勘察的, 检修( 施工) 单位应根据工作任务组织现场勘察, 并填写现场勘察记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【HM】 机炉协调控制的方式中 ,在新的负荷下达到新的稳定状态后功率偏差与压 力偏差均趋于零 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]社会主义核心价值观的概念内涵是()。
[单选题]国家局联合中国海警局下发( ),为全国海域范围开展走私巡查,形成海上管控合力奠定了基础。
A.《联合打击烟草专卖品海上走私违法犯罪活动协作配合办法》 B.《免税卷烟和雪茄烟经营监管办法》 C.《联合行动执法方案》 D.《联合打击烟草专卖品走私活动管理办法》 我来回答: 提交