{{B}}Text{{/B}} The Spring Festival is{{U}} (9) {{/U}}. As a tradition, people are{{U}} (10) {{/U}}to have something new to use or wear, {{U}} (11) {{/U}}children, no matter they are rich or poor. Therefore, you can see many families going shopping on the streets. And, interestingly enough, you may notice that men’ s shopping style is different{{U}} (12) {{/U}}that of women. Let’ s look at men’ s clothes shops: A man comes into a shop, has a{{U}} (13) {{/U}}at the whole shop and goes to his{{U}} (14) {{/U}}area. He has a{{U}} (15) {{/U}}look of the colors and begins to ask the shop assistant for the fight size. He tries it on, {{U}} (16) {{/U}}his arms or kicking his{{U}} (17) {{/U}}to check if it is{{U}} (18) {{/U}}enough. The clothing{{U}} (19) A. original B. past C. previous D. last [单选题]营业机构收到上级清算机构下发的差错调整通知,核对无误后,要于当日确认;对于日结后收到的上级清算机构下发的差错调整通知,至迟不得超过下一工作日上午( )时进行确认
A.9.0 B.10.0 C.11.0 D.12.0 [单项选择]具有10个叶子结点的二叉树中有()个度为2的结点。
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 [单选题]空载停、投变压器时,可能使变压器中性点或相地之间产生过电压。在停投变压器时,合上中性点接地刀闸,可避免( )过电压的产生,防止对电气设备的损坏
A. 操作 B. 雷电 C. 谐振 D. 直击 [单选题]服用盐类泻剂或甘露醇可引起腹泻,其发生机制是:
A.分泌性腹泻 B.渗透性腹泻 C.渗出性腹泻 D.吸收不良性腹泻 [单选题]公示催告期间,利害关系人转让票据权利的行为:
A.无效 B.有效 C.生效 D.违法 [单项选择]目前齿科最常用的焊接方法是()。
A. 铜焊 B. 点焊 C. 金焊 D. 激光焊接法 E. 焊料焊接法 [多选题]200H车载设备ATP给LKJ的信息包括 ( )
A.轨道电路信号 B.应答器数据 C.ATP状态等传输给LKJ D.时间、司机号、车次号 [多选题]下列属于组织处理方式的是( )。
A.:引咎辞职 B.:责令辞职 C.:降职 D.:调离 E.:免职 我来回答: 提交