I began to register(注册) on Monday by picking up registration forms, completing them, and then turning them in with my photo. On Tuesday when I (1) to pay my fee (费), the lady at the fee desk (2) me to the line of (3) registrants because the university’s computer refused to (4) my forms. Even after standing in line for an hour, I (5) to see the humor in the (6) when the little man at the desk told me that I did not have a good (7) for not living in a school dormitory. However, he (8) to let me register when I asked him to note the (9) of my being a girl and the university’ s all-boy dormitories. He asked me to come back the next day, at which time my (10) would have been through the computer again. When I came back on Wednesday and (11) Tuesday’s experience, I began to (12) my sense of humor. Almost to my (13) I was not sent to the line of problem registration on Thursday.(14) the lady at the fee desk (15) my computerized fee receipt and announced that I (16) Gre
A. discovered
B. reported
C. repeated
D. expected
A small piece of fish each day may keep
the heart doctor away. That’s the finding of an extensive study of Dutchmen in
which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who
consumed at least an ounce of salt water fish per day than those who never ate
fish. The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific backing to the long held belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart. Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But researchers previously have noticed that the incidence (发生率) of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ou A. Three. B. Four. C. Two. D. One. [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位进行爆破、吊装等危险工作,应当( )。
A.安排专门人员进行现场安全管理,确保操作规程的遵守和安全措施的落实 B.事先做施工组织设计 C.事先进行技术交底 D.安全负责人到现场进行安全管理,确保安全措施的落实 [多选题] 常见的生产过程中眼面部伤害主要有异物性眼伤害、化学性眼(面)伤害、非电磁辐射眼伤害、电磁辐射眼伤害、( )眼伤害。
A.电磁性噪声 B.低温 C.微波 D.激光 [单项选择]手车开关拉出后,必须观察隔离档板是否()。
A. 打开 B. 脱落 C. 可靠封闭 [判断题]遇天气恶劣又不能通过设备确认线路空闲而需要现场检查确认时,应指派人员从车站两端迎面检查至互相见面为止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题]核放射探测仪测量范围( )(难) (1分)
A.0.001~50mR/h;0~50000CPM B.0.01~5mR/h;0~5000CPM C.0.1~50mR/h;0~500CPM D.1~50mR/h;0~50000CPM [简答题]老人泌尿系统功能衰竭应注意哪些?
[单选题]现网主流的视频流封装格式为:( )
A.TS B. ES C. PS D. ISMA [单项选择]某插花大师想用非洲菊,君子兰,百合,玫瑰,康乃馨搭配插花,搭配方式可以是其中两种或两种以上的花卉混合在一起,但须遵守下列的规则有非洲菊必有百合,且A支非洲菊必有B支百合;有君子兰必有玫瑰,且君子兰玫瑰等量;百合和玫瑰不共用;玫瑰和康乃馨不共用;有康乃馨必然得到康乃馨的量比其他所有的量都大;下列哪一个花束搭配方式可以通过去掉一种花卉的一部分(或全部)使其合乎规则
A. 一支非洲菊,一支君子兰,一支百合,四支康乃馨 B. 一支非洲菊,两支百合,一支玫瑰,四支康乃馨 C. 一支非洲菊,一支君子兰,一支玫瑰,一支康乃馨 D. 两支非洲菊,两支百合,一支玫瑰,两支康乃馨 [单选题]易造成枕骨大孔疝的疾病是( )。
A.脑挫裂伤 B.脑膜膨出 C.颅内动脉瘤 D.颞部巨大,硬脑膜外血肿 E.后颅凹肿瘤 [多项选择]给水工程按其工作过程一般是分为()等组成部分并用水泵联系,组成一个供水系统。
A. 水源选择 B. 取水工程 C. 净水工程 D. 输配水工程 E. 排水管网 [填空题]在正线、到发线上调车时,要经过( )的准许。在接发列车时,应按( )规定的时间,停止影响列 车进路的调车作业。
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