{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Domestic violence is a serious crime causing serious social problems. It is violence at home, usually the husband beating his wife or the father beating his children. The victims, the wife and the children, suffer both physically and spiritually. Children develop trauma as a result of exposure to domestic violence. They also develop wet-bedding problems, too. The speaker was regularly beaten up by her former husband and often had black eyes and bruises on her body. She suffered terribly and finally got divorced. Many women feel guilty and assume that they are to blame because they cannot understand how the person they love has changed into such a terrifying person. The first possible reason for the domestic violence is that the husband is not happy w A. they are not capable of their housework B. they cannot understand the reasons for their husbands’ change of behavior C. they are not loyal to their husbands D. they do not love their husbands so much as they do to them [单选题]患者男,35岁。车祸外伤1小时,左颞部着力,当时有短暂昏迷,对受伤情况不能回忆。查体:神志清楚,神经系统无阳性体征。初步诊断是
A.脑震荡 B.脑挫裂伤 C.脑供血不足 D.脑水肿 E.脑疝 [单项选择]经济处于( )阶段时,商业银行资产规模和利润量处于最高水平。
A. 繁荣 B. 衰退 C. 萧条 D. 复苏 [单选题]低压客户接户线的线间距离一般不应小于()。
A.600mm B.400mm C.200mm D.150mm [多项选择]起重作业前应对哪些项目进行安全检查()
A. 应对从事指挥、司索和操作人员进行资格确认。 B. 对起重机械和吊具的保护装置进行安全检查确认。 C. 对吊装区域内的安全状况进行检查。 D. 对安全措施落实情况进行检查。 [多选题]【多选题】585.在重点防火部位和存放易燃易爆物品的场所附近及存有易燃物品的容器上使用电、气焊时,以下做法正确的是( )。
A. 应佩戴正压式呼吸器 B. 应严格执行动火工作的有关规定 C. 按有关规定填用动火工作票 D. 备有必要的消防器材 [单选题]以下属于云视讯高清终端的是(
A.D33 B.C21 C.D31 D.D13 [多选题]彦某将一套住房分别委托甲、乙两家中介公司出售。钱某通过甲公司看中该房,但觉得房价太高。双方在看房前所签协议中约定了防“跳单”条款:钱某对甲公司的房源信息负保密义务,不得利用其信息撇开甲公司直接与房主签约,否则支付违约金。事后钱某又在乙公司发现同一房源,而房价比甲公司低得多。钱某通过乙公司买得该房,甲公司得知后提出异议。关于本案,下列哪些判断是错误的?
A.防“跳单”条款限制了消费者的自主选择权 B.甲公司抬高房价侵害了消费者的公平交易权 C.乙公司的行为属于不正当竞争行为 D.钱某侵犯了甲公司的商业秘密 我来回答: 提交