{{B}} Scientists
Worry Machines May Outsmart Man{{/B}} A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. "Predator" fighters, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously. Impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society’s workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone. Their concern is that further advances could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous consequences. As examples, the scientists pointed to a number of technologies as diverse as experimental m A. be smarter than human beings B. be able to control themselves C. be more popular than the Internet D. be able to take over all our work [单项选择]某70岁老年男性,不慎从床上摔下,右髋着地。X线片示右股骨颈头下骨折。Gar-donⅣ型。一般情况可,化验检查基本正常。
该骨折最适宜的治疗方法是 A. 卧床皮牵引 B. 卧床骨牵引 C. 空心钉治疗 D. 人工髋关节置换术 E. 卧床休息 [单选题]工作票应使用统一的票面格式,釆用计算机生成、打印或手工方式填写,至少一式()。
A.一份 B.两份 C.三份 D.四份 [多选题]根据我国《刑法》的规定,下列情节中属于法定量刑情节的有( )。
A.犯罪中止的 B.已满14周岁未满18周岁的人犯罪的 C.防卫过当的 D.行贿人在被追诉前主动交代行贿行为的 [判断题]根据《劳动法》的规定,试用期最长不得超过12个月。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]精液中含有纤溶酶,其来源是()
A. 精囊液 B. 前列腺液 C. 尿道球腺液 D. 附睾分泌物 E. 尿道旁腺液 [单项选择]After being tested in many ways, this newly-designed machine will______in the near future.
A. take place B. put into use C. come into use D. take action [单项选择]在()量表中,个人的分数指出了他的行为在按正常途径发展方面处于什么样的发展水平。
A. 年龄 B. 态度 C. 智力 D. 人格 [单选题]在血管长轴范围内,轴型皮瓣的长度比例为
A.2:1 B.3:1 C.4:1 D.5:1 E.不受限制 [单选题]值班站长与行车值班员核对()、调度命令,并向下线路人员传达。
A.故障现象 B.道岔位置 C.走行路径 [简答题]简述对学生进行评价的目的主要有哪些?
[单选题]题干:门诊护理人员消毒隔离岗位职责不包括( )。
A.收集污染的防护面屏和护目镜并进行消毒预处理 B.负责收集各种检查标本 C.负责诊室、治疗室、护士站所有用物、台面、空气等的消毒 D.督查拟出污染区人员正确摘脱防护用品 [单项选择]()按钮应是双稳态且能防止误操作。
A. 关门、 B. 厅外召唤 C. 急停 [单选题]在双代号网络计划中,某工作 A 最早完成时间为 15,其只有三项紧后工作
D,最早开始时间分别为 17、20、21,总时差分别为 1、2、3,则工作 A 的自由时差和总时差分别为( )。
A.0、2 B.2、3 C.1、2 D.1、4 [单选题]金属脚手架与±400kV 及以下带电架空线路沿水平方向的最小安全距离为( )m。
A. 6; B. 7; C. 8; D. 9 [多选题]区间与站内线路连同封锁时,施工路用列车进出施工封锁区域按()方式办理,助理值班员不接发车;仅区间封锁()接发车。
A.列车 B.调车 C.助理值班员 D.车站值班员 [单选题]中.日两国正式建立外交关系是在()年。
A.1968 B.1971 C.1972 D.1974 [单选题]集控站,是指根据电网结构、站所规模、场地条件等因素,分区域合理设置的变电站运维管理的( ),承担所辖变电站的日常管理、设备监视、运行控制、设备运维等工作,落实变电站设备全寿命周期管理职责。
A.基层班组 B.枢纽变电站 C.基本单位 D.基本业务单元 [多项选择]加热炉烟气形成低温露点腐蚀条件有()。
A. 烟气中有一定量的三氧化硫 B. 烟气温度或局部温度低于露点温度,产生硫酸溶液 C. 烟气中含有一定量的硫化氢 D. 烟气温度低于100℃ [单项选择]We all believe in something or someone. We must believe, just as we must eat, sleep, and reproduce. Mankind has an insatiable need for and an irresistible attraction to a vast array of beliefs about gods and demons, magic and miracles, truth and falsehood, love and hate, same and different. Implausible, even irrational ideas, have been cherished for centuries. Saints and other martyrs suffered indescribable pain and agony, even death, for their beliefs. Scientists have been put to death for their belief that the earth is round, or that there is an Invisible force called gravity, or that the earth is not the center of the universe with the sun revolving around it, or that the blood circulates throughout the body, or that Man evolving around it, or that the blood circulates throughout the body, or that Man evolved from lower forms of life. Religious leaders have attracted millions of people with their version of how life began and how we must behave.
If people do not believe In me A. Faith. B. Trust, C. Security. D. Hope [单选题]P104T1S023 有关电气设备运行中操作的基本要求的说法不正确的是( )。
A.停电操作应按照“电源侧隔离开关一负荷侧隔离开关一断路器”的顺序依次进行,送电合闸操作按相反的顺序进行 B.用绝缘棒拉合隔离开关、高压熔断器,或经传动机构拉合断路器和隔离开关,均应戴绝缘手套 C.装卸高压熔断器,应戴护目眼镜和绝缘手套,必要时使用绝缘夹钳,并站在绝缘物或绝缘台上 D.发生人身触电时,应立即断开有关设备的电源 [单选题]通过建设动车组管理信息网络,提供动车组配属、运用、维修及动车组履历管理等信息服务。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.动车组检修计划 D.b.动车组修程编制 E.c.文献管理 [单项选择]一般情况下,身穿薄衣的成人穿着救生衣在摄氏10度的水温中如采用保暖姿势可生存的时间是()。
A. 2小时 B. 3小时 C. 4小时 D. 5小时 [单选题]患病率的用途不包括:
A.合理规划卫生设施 B.研究疾病流行因素 C.描述疾病的分布和探讨病因 D.监测慢性病的控制效果 E.以上均错 我来回答: 提交