The China boom is by now a
well-documented phenomenon. Who hasn’t (1) the Middle
Kingdom’s astounding economic growth (8 percent annually} , its tremendous
consumer market (1.2 billion people), the investment enthusiasm of foreign
suitors ($40 billion in foreign direct investment last year (2)
) China is an economic wonder. (3) Nicholas Lardy
of the Brookings Institution, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, "No country
(4) its foreign trade as fast as China over the last 20 years.
Japan doubled its foreign trade over (5) period; China’s
foreign trade was quintupled(使成五倍). They’ve become the pre-eminent producer of
labor-intensive manufacturing goods in the world. " But there’s been (6) from the dazzling C A. 20-year B. a 20-year C. 20-years D. a 20 years [单选题]检查9个人的血型,其中A型2人,B型3人,O型3人,AB型1人。其对应的变量类型是
A. 数值变量 B. 9项无序分类变量 C. 9项有序分类变量 D. 4项无序分类变量 E. 4项有序分类变量 [单项选择]
Black Holes Most scientists agree that black holes exist but are nearly impossible to locate. hole in the universe is not a solid object, like a planet, but it is shaped like a sphere (球体). Astronomers (天文学家) think that at the center of a black hole there is a single point in space with infinite (无限的) density (稠密). This single point is called a singularity (奇点). If the singularity theory is correct, it means that when a massive star collapses, all the material in it disappears into the singularity. The center of a black hole would not really be a hole at all, but an infinitely dense point. Anything that crosses the black hole is pulled in by its great gravity. Although black holes do exist, they are difficult to observe. These are the reasons. ·No light or anything else comes out of black holes. As a result, they are invisible to a telescope. ·In astronomical terms, black holes are truly tiny. For example, a black h A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [判断题]结束作业时,下道后的小型养路机械必须放置稳固,不准侵入限界,采取防溜措施,并加锁固定。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等与接触网带电部分距离不得小于( )m(除供电专业人员按规定作业外)
A.A.1 B. B.2 C. C.3 D. D.4 [单选题]依据《国家电网有限公司输变电工程施工分包安全管理办法》要求,工程三级验收由()负责完成,专业分包工程班组自检由分包商开展,项目部复检及公司级专检由施工承包商和分包商共同开展,共同签字。
A.施工承包商 B.劳务分包商 C.施工班组长 D.项目总工 E.略 F.略 [单选题]室外的电子设备应在缆线终端入口处设置浪涌保护器或防雷型()
A.变压器 B.继电器 C.滤波器 D.传感器 [多项选择]非发酵菌中氧化酶阴性的细菌有()
A. 铜绿假单胞菌 B. 荧光假单胞菌 C. 粪产碱杆菌 D. 溶血不动杆菌 E. 嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌 [简答题]S700K型电动转辙机主要由外壳、动力传动机构、检查和锁闭机构、[填空(1)]、配线接口无大部分组成。
[多项选择]城市总体规划布局的空间形态呈( )。
A. 分散式 B. 开敞式 C. 自由式 D. 扩散式 E. 混合式 [单选题]几何相似、运动相似和动力相似三者之间的关系为( )。
A.运动相似和动力相似是几何相似的前提 B.运动相似是几何相似和动力相似的表象 C.只有运动相似,才能几何相似 D.只有动力相似,才能几何相似 [单选题]跨径大而墩的高度小的连续刚构桥常采用()
A. 实体重力式墩 B. 水平抗推刚度较小的桥墩 C. 水平抗推刚度较大的桥墩 D. 对主梁嵌固作用大的桥墩 [单选题]碳素钢(WCB)适用于工作温度在( )之间的中高压阀门。
A.-46℃~345℃ B.-29℃~595℃ C.-29℃~425℃ D.-29℃~650℃ [单选题]滑轮检查项目错误的是:()。
A.滑轮完整无裂纹、转动灵活 B.滑轮轴无磨损现象,开口销不完整 C.吊钩无裂纹、无变形 D.润滑油充分 [判断题]合同期限为中期的项目贷款展期可以展期多次,但展期期限累计不能超过该借据对应合同期限的一半。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]项目实施包括:( )。
A.设计 B.监理 C.施工招标和施工 D.施工 E.竣工 [多项选择]下列哪几项是肠结核必须手术治疗的指征()
A. 完全性肠梗阻 B. 急性肠穿孔 C. 慢性肠穿孔引起粪瘘经内科治疗不见好转 D. 肠道大量出血经积极抢救不能满意止血 E. 合并结核性腹膜炎 [单项选择]妊娠合并糖尿病
A. 宫颈妊娠 B. 子宫残角妊娠 C. 腹腔妊娠 D. 卵巢妊娠破裂 E. 输卵管妊娠流产 [单项选择]当某种商品的供给价格弹性小于1时,说明( )。
A. 供给完全无弹性 B. 供给弹性不充足 C. 供给弹性充足 D. 供给完全有弹性 我来回答: 提交
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