The development of writing was one of
the great human inventions. It is difficult (36) many
people to imagine language without writing; the spoken word seems intricately
tied to the written (37) . But children speak (38)
they learn to write. And millions of people in the world speak
languages with (39) written form. Among these people
oral literature abounds, and crucial knowledge (40)
memorized and passed (41) generations. But human memory is
short-lived, and the brain’s storage capacity is finite. (42)
overcame such problems and allowed communication across the miles
(43) through the years and centuries. Writing permits a
society (44) permanently [单选题]三相系统中发生的短路有4种基本类型,三相短路、()、单相接地短路和两相接地短路。
A.相相短路 B.两相短路 C.相地短路 [单选题]《河北省有限空间作业安全管理规定》规定生产经营单位应当按照国家有关规定组织( )并根据演练效果进行评估。
A.应急救援预案的完善 B.有限空间演练 C.应急救援预案或者现场处置方案演练 [单选题]分层施工楼梯口和梯段边,必须安装临时护栏。顶层楼梯口应随工程结构进度安装( )。
A.临时护栏 B.安全立网 C.警告牌 D.正式防护栏杆 [多选题]外汇贷款纳入农发行客户统一授信管理,遵循( )四个统一的原则。
A.授信 主体 B.授信形式 C.授信对象 D.授信币种 [判断题]占用公物进行营利活动的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]SEC可以控制哪些舵面()
A. 升降舵、水平安定面和扰流板 B. 升降舵、水平安定面和副翼 C. 水平安定面、副翼和扰流板 [简答题]什么是WCDMA?
[多选题]煤炭自燃的条件是( )。
A.具有自燃倾向性的煤炭呈破碎堆积状态 B.有连续的通风供氧条件,维持煤炭氧化过程的发展 C.积聚氧化生成的热量,使煤的温度升高 D.上述3个条件同时具备,且大于煤的自然发火期 [单选题]通常,低温甲醇洗的操作温度为( )℃。
A. -40~-60 B. -30~-70 C. -30~-50 D. -40~-70 我来回答: 提交