Many students find the experience of
attending university lectures to be a really confusing and frustrating
experience. The lecturer often speaks in front of the students for one or two
hours, perhaps{{U}} (62) {{/U}}the talk with slides, writing up some
important information on the blackboard,{{U}} (63) {{/U}}reading
material and giving out{{U}} (64) {{/U}}at the end of the lecture. The
new student sees the other students continuously writing on their notebooks
and{{U}} (65) {{/U}}what to write on his own notebook. Very often the
student leaves the lecture{{U}} (66) {{/U}}the notes which do not catch
the main points in the lecture and{{U}} (67) {{/U}}become hard even for
the{{U}} (68) {{/U}}himself to understand. Most institutions provide
many courses which{{U}} (69) {{/U}}new students to develop the skills
they need to be{{U}} A. attributing B. contributing C. distributing D. explaining [单选题]剧烈运动会使物质指标浓度增高的是
A.葡萄糖 B.尿素 C.ALT D.总蛋白 [单项选择]下列循环中()属于发动机的理论循环
A. 混合加热循环 B. 等容冷却循环 C. 变压加热循环 D. 等温加热循环 [单项选择]目前在大学校园中出现了极度浪费的不正常现象,有些学生甚至不惜到处举债,穿名牌、用名牌,被同学们称为“校园负翁”。据此回答小题。随着社会的发展,大学生的物质和精神消费有所增加。手机、电脑、MP3称为大学生消费的三大件。这表明()
A. 生产和消费互为因果关系 B. 消费对生产具有反作用 C. 消费结构决定生产结构 D. 生产决定消费的水平和方式 [简答题]CTC/TDCS系统试验分为( )和现场试验两个阶段
A.A、铁路客运运价里程表 B.B、行包运价表 C.C、客运停限办情况表 D.D、列车时刻表 [简答题]何种情况存在时,可终结服务?
[单选题]下面那个选项 不是实施个性化服务所必须的条件:____。
A.拥有完善的基本服务 B.良好的品牌形象 C.良好的企业盈利率 D.完善的数据库系统 [单项选择]党中央向()提出宪法修改建议,依照宪法规定的程序进行宪法修改。
A. 国家主席 B. 全国人大 C. 国务院 D. 全国政协 [单选题] 如蓄电池单个电池电压在( )V,则为正常浮充电状态。
A.2.05~2.1; B.2.15~2.2; C.2.25~2.3; D.2.1~2.3。 [简答题]震后救人的原则是什么?
[单选题]社会工作过程中资料收集的方法和途径众多,以下( )不属于资料收集的具体方法。
A.咨询 B.观察 C.设计 D.询问 [单项选择]There are a number of facets to any emotional experience. If you have ever experienced extreme fear, you will recognize that subjective feelings are one part of any emotional experience.
Subjective feelings can be classified in terms of intensity, pleasantness or unpleasantness, and complexity. For example, joy is a simple, pleasant, and intense emotion. Jealousy is a complex, unpleasant emotion that may vary in intensity. Unfortunately, it is difficult to go beyond simple classification of subjective feelings because they are extremely difficult to describe. In one rather bizarre study, women were required to crash snails between their fingers and to describe their emotional reactions. The best they could do was to name their emotions. The second part of any emotional experience consists of emotional expressions. Emotional expressions also affect the voice a marked shift in voice tone or modulation is a familiar emotional expression. Verbal expressions, as well as voice tone, a A. humorous B. ironic C. critical D. approving [单选题]刑事案件之訴訟關係以訴訟繫屬之事實為前提,則下列何種原因無法產生訴訟繫屬?
A.提起公訴 B.提起自訴 C.提起告訴 D.提起反訴 [单选题]注入式堵漏工具的维护保养及注意事项表述不正确的是( )。(中)
A.橡胶类胶棒使用时表面应涂少许润滑油,以便枪筒润滑。 B.在工作压力范围内使用,以免损坏注胶枪压力表及手动泵承压件。 C.当工具较长时间未使用时,建议每年打胶、保养一次,以检查工具是否完好。 D.使用完毕,必须及时清除枪膛内残留胶,清洁后上油保护。 [单项选择]
常见的软件开发模型有瀑布模型、演化模型、螺旋模型、喷泉模型等。其中(54)模型适用于需求明确或很少变更的项目,(55)模型主要用来描述面向对象的软件开发过程。 54()A. 瀑布模型 B. 演化模型 C. 螺旋模型 D. 喷泉模型 [单选题]以SOAP形式进行健康问题描述不包括
A.主观资料 B.客观资料 C.流行病调查 D.评价 E.计划 [多项选择]作为构建社会主义和谐社会的基本内涵之一,公平正义就是( )
A. 社会各方面的利益得到妥善协调 B. 人民内部矛盾及其他社会矛盾得到正确处理 C. 弱势群众的基本利益得到切实保障 D. 社会公平和正义得到切实维护与实现 我来回答: 提交