Psychologists agree that I.Q.
contributes only about 20% of the factors that determine success. A full 80%
comes from other factors, including what I call emotional intelligence.
Following are two of the major qualities that make up emotional intelligence,
and how they can be developed: {{B}}Self-awareness{{/B}} The ability to recognize a feeling as it happens is the keystone of emotional intelligence. People with greater A. (A) add interest to B. (B) lengthen C. (C) make dull D. (D) bring into existence [多项选择]我国刑事诉讼法规定,人民检察院对移送起诉的案件审查后,可以根据不同情况作出起诉或者不起诉的决定。下列情形中,哪些作出不起诉的决定
A. 证据不足,不符合起诉条件的 B. 犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或免除刑罚的 C. 犯罪嫌疑人确有严重疾病,生活不能自理的 D. 犯罪嫌疑人为怀孕或者正在哺乳自己婴儿的妇女 [单选题] "128.酸化作业利用泵入油层的酸液与油层中的矿物质或胶结物发生( )。
A.物理反应 B.化学反应 C.中和反应 D.置换反应" [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产令》第三条规定:依据国家有关法律法规,建立健全各项( ),并严格执行。
A. 安全生产规章制度 B. 行政制度 C. 操作手册 D. 安全生产细则 [名词解释]亚急性感染
[单项选择]对可能影响项目的各种社会因素进行识别和排序,选择影响面大、持续时间长,并容易导致较大矛盾的社会因素进行预测,分析可能出现这种风险的社会环境和条件是项目的( )。
A. 社会风险评价 B. 社会风险分析 C. 社会风险调查 D. 社会经济评价 [多项选择]党中央提出,要坚持走中国特色新型工业化、()“四化同步”的道路。
A. 信息化 B. 城镇化 C. 数据化 D. 农业现代化 [判断题]对涵洞端翼墙的检查主要有无因填土、冻害和局部冲刷而发生裂纹、挤出、倾斜和冲空。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在警戒区的出入口处,应设置专职的警戒员,做好进入危险区域的人员、器材的安全检查,强调安全注意事项并做好记录,确保进入火灾现场的人员安全。( )1
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前临床上应用的生物瓣膜,其主要缺陷是()
A. 组织相容性差 B. 耐久性差 C. 需终生抗凝 D. 易并发感染 E. 血栓栓塞率高 [多选题]根据《宗教活动场所财务监督管理办法(试行)》之规定,下列哪些属于宗教活动场所的收入?( )
A.组织捐赠 B.个人捐赠 C.门票收入 D.宗教服务收入 [判断题]外部包裹保温层的球形储罐一般为半冷冻储罐,应按半冷冻储罐处置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]银行应指导客户规范办理使用支付密码的支票业务,出票人在出票环节支付密码填写错误的,可在划掉错误的支付密码后填写正确的支付密码并在更正处签章确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 长方体钻井液罐长5m,宽3m,高2m,当液面升高0.3m时,体积增加了( )m3。
A.9 B.3 C.4.5 D.1.8 [单项选择]竣工验收合格的引水渠工程,初斯通水后两岸坡体出现了很长的纵向裂缝,并局部地面下沉,该地区土质可能为()。
A. 红黏土 B. 软岩 C. 砂土 D. 湿陷性黄土 [填空题]工作坑底板设置时,滑润隔离层是由滑润剂和( )两部分组成,一般用1/3机油调制滑石粉做滑润剂。
A Messenger from the Past His people said good-bye and watched him walk off toward the mountains. They had little reason to fear for his safety: the man was well dressed in insulated clothing and equipped with tools needed to survive the Alpine climate. However, as weeks passed without his return, they must have grown worried, then anxious, and finally resigned. After many years everyone who knew him had died, and a note even a memory of the man remained. Then, on an improbably distant day, he came down from the mountain. Things had changed a bit: it wasn’t the Bronze Age anymore, and he was a celebrity. When a melting glacier released its hold on a 4,000-year-old corpse in September, it was quite rightly called one of the most important archeological finds of the century. Discovered by a German couple hiking at 10,500 feet in the Italian Tyrol near the Austrian border, the partially freeze-drie A. He lived in a very poor condition. B. He was on his expedition to search for metal ore. C. The scientists have no idea about why he was out. D. The natural environment was very harsh for him. [单选题]900轨距翼轨工作边至护轨工作边间距应( )mm。
A.小于872 B.大于872 C.小于841 D.等于841 [多选题]按《会计基本制度》和《出纳基本制度》的有关规定需办理交接登记手续的是:()。
A. B.人员变动 C.中午休息 D.调换岗位 E.临时离岗返岗 [单选题]各分部、各省公司信息机房应按( )级机房标准进行设计。
A.A或B B.B或C C.A D.B [单项选择]PSV是指当患者的自主吸气触发呼吸机,呼吸机以预先设定的压力释放气流,并在整个吸气过程中保持该压力。应用PSV时,气流的输出形式是()。
A. 方波 B. 递减波 C. 递增波 D. 正弦波 E. 无规律 我来回答: 提交