New Foods and the New World{{/B}} In the last 500 years, nothing about People — not their clothes, ideas, or languages— has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree (可可树) by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. And although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine (饥荒)" of 1845-1846, and thousand A. One third of the world’s population drinks coffee. B. Coffee is native to Colombia. C. Coffee can keep one awake. D. Coffee drinks were first made by Arabs. [单项选择]In the ancient days, human beings needed to use tools because______.
A. 方便运算 B. 节省存储空间 C. 降低计算复杂度 D. 提高运算速度 [单项选择]对于念珠菌性阴道炎的治疗,下列哪项是错误的:
A. 消除诱因,如糖尿病或长时间应用广谱抗生素等 B. 患者的内裤、毛巾应用开水烫洗 C. 用酸性药液冲洗外阴阴道 D. 口服氟康唑 E. 阴道内上克霉唑栓剂 [单选题]( ),中越陆地边界勘界文件签字仪式在北京举行。中越陆地边界经过双方历时10年的共同努力已全线勘定。
A.2009年11月18日 B.2009年10月29日 C.2008年10月29日 D.2008年11月18日 [多选题](多选题).男客户对装修方案更看懂哪些功能?( )
A.看电视 B.看书 C.玩游戏 D.养花养鱼 [多选题]过渡时期总路线的“两翼”是指( )
A.实现社会主义工业化 B.实现对农业的社会主义改造 C.实现对手工业的社会主义改造 D.实现对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造 [单选题]患者男性,37岁,近3个月晨起后出现关节活动僵硬感,稍事活动后可好转;同时伴有腰骶关节压痛明显,下肢大关节非对称性肿痛等表现,实验室检查血沉、C反应蛋白、免疫球蛋白升高。
A.积极控制症状 B.尽早受累关节滑膜切除 C.尽早给予肿瘤坏死因子拮抗剂 D.尽早给予非甾体抗炎药 E.出现关节畸形可给予手术纠正 我来回答: 提交