Traffic in Giethoorn and the nearby
Dwarsgracht still mostly travels over water. That is why it is nicknamed (绰号)
"Venice of the North". Farm boats, canal boats and many other boats belonging to working people travel within the village. In the tourist season, you can hire one of about 400 so-called "whisper boats" and to use the village canal. Originally, Giethoorn was a typical peat (泥炭沼) village that exported millions of squares of peat. When the peat supply was used up, the people of Giethoorn changed over to cattle farming. Then sta- bles and storage (贮藏) barns were built behind the small peat house. The view (景色) in the village changed as all the new buildings with their thatched (用草盖成的) roofs resembles a blanket of camelhair. In those days using straw (稻草) for roofs was cheap. Now having a thatched roof is very expen A. Thatch. B. Peat. C. Camelhair. D. Farming. [单项选择]李教授2011年5月取得的收入情况如下:工资收入4700元;一次取得劳务报酬收入3800元;一次取得学术专著稿酬收入36000元;储蓄存款利息(2011年1~5月)2600元。
2.费用扣除标准:每次收入不超过4000元的,减除800元;4000元以上的,减除20%的费用。 根据上述材料,回答下列问题: 工资薪金所得应纳个人所得税额为( )元。 A. 165 B. 280 C. 565 D. 580 [单项选择]商业银行最高风险管理/决策机构是()。
A. 董事会 B. 监事会 C. 风险管理部门 D. 财务控制部门 [判断题](299)氯化氢是黄绿色并有强烈刺激性气味的气体。质量比空气略大。它在水中溶解度较大,其水溶液叫盐酸,最大浓度为质量分数38%( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]诉讼费
[单选题]二氧化碳灭火器不怕冻,但怕高温,所以要求存放地点的温度不得超过( )。
A.50℃; B.45℃; C.40℃; D.20℃。 [单选题]提供虚假财务报表的企业,根据虚假程度对信用等级进行调整。不完全准确的,信用等级调整到( )级(含)以下;完全不准确的,信用等级调整到( )级(含)以下。
A.A BBB B.BBB BB C.BB B D.BB CCC [多项选择]在公文处理系统中,会签分为()。
A. 联合会签 B. 单独会签 C. 外部会签 D. 内部会签 [判断题]巡视工作坚持中央统一领导、分级负责;坚持实事求是、依法依规;坚持群众路线、发扬民主。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]如通过查询确定该车未在入口领取CPC卡,此时应( )。
A..车辆引出 B.按坏卡处理 C.按补费处理 D.给付司机通行卡赔偿票据 [单项选择]产生“薄厥”的病因,多是
A. 大怒 B. 大惊 C. 过喜 D. 过悲 [单项选择]接触石棉的工人所患职业性肿瘤为()
A. 皮肤癌 B. 白血病 C. 膀胱癌 D. 肺癌、间皮瘤 E. 肺血管肉瘤 我来回答: 提交