Although it is now possible to bring
most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension
remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a
problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very
early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the
century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but
before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated
only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger
persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group
were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was
widely regarded as a disease of adults. In 1971, a study of 700 children A. suggest that essential hypertension may have biochemical causes B. show that high blood pressure can be detected in children under the age of 15 C. provide evidence that factors affecting blood pressure are already present in children D. propose that increased screening of children for high blood pressure should be undertaken [单选题]十八大报告指出坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路和推进政治体制改革,( )是我们党始终高扬的光辉旗帜。
A.人大代表 B. 政治协商 C. 人民民主 D. 全国人大 [单选题]瓶帽上开有对称的排气孔的目的是()。
A.为了视觉上的美观 B.避免当瓶阀损坏时,气体由瓶帽一侧排出产生反作用力推倒气瓶 C.旋转方便 D.没有具体作用 [单选题]蒸汽在级内做完功冲出叶片后仍有一部分速度,这部分速度造成的损失就是(____)。
A.喷嘴损失 B.动叶损失 C.余速损失 D.电能损失 [简答题]摇瓶培养
A. 医学目的的原则 B. 知情同意的原则 C. 维护受试者利益的原则 D. 保障受试者绝对安全的原则 E. 随机对照的原则 [单选题]货(油)轮的货(油)舱起火,情况不明、温度较高的情况下,应保持一定的安全距离,()直接登至货(油)舱甲板灭火。
A.严禁 B.可以 C.能 D.视情况 [单选题]在降膜固碱工序中,要求进降膜蒸发器的负荷不得低于( )。
A.40% B.50% C.80% D.60% [单项选择]关于急性胰腺炎的治疗方法,下列各项中,哪项没有抑制或减少胰液分泌的作用()
A. 禁食及胃肠减压 B. 抑肽酶 C. H2受体拮抗剂 D. 生长抑素 E. 抗胆碱能药物 [多选题]地质灾害救援安全风险主要有( )。
A. 山体二次滑坡或崩塌 B. 地面沉降或塌陷 C. 泥石流 D. 堰塞湖溃坝 [多选题]( )以下凭证出票日期不可以使用小写书写的是()。
A.本票 B.支票 C.单位结算业务申请凭证 D.汇票 [多选题]企业一级材料计划员在编制和执行计划中应做到“把两关、三对口、四核算、五勤、六有数\",四核算是指( )。
A.核算分部、分项工程材料需用量 B.核算单位工程材料需用量 C.核算大、小厂水泥需用量 D.核算单位工程主要材料、特殊材料的总需用数量 E.核算木材(分为正材、副材)需用量 [单选题]一定社会或阶级根据其总的道德要求制定的,调节人们在家庭生活方面的关系和行为的道德准则称为( )。
A.家庭义务 B.男女平等 C.一夫一妻制 D.家庭道德 我来回答: 提交