Joseph Machlis says that the blues is a
native American musical and verse form, with no direct European and African
antecedents of which we know. In other words, it is a blending of both
traditions. Something special and entirely different from either of its parent
traditions. (Although Alan Lomax cites some examples of very similar songs
having been found in Northwest Africa, particularly among the Wolof and
Watusi) The word ’blue’ has been associated with the idea of melancholia or depression since the Elizabethan era. The American writer, Washington Irving is credited with coining the term’ the blues,’ as it is now defined, in 1807. The earlier (almost entirely Negro) history of the blues musical tradition is traced through oral tradition as far back as the 1860s. When African and European mus A. came from American’s hardworking B. could be regarded as the reflection of black women’s hardship C. reflected the insight ideas of men more than those of women D. was mainly in Southern rural areas by the end of 19th century [判断题] ( )内装式机械密封属于外流型机械密封,外装式机械密封属于内流型机械密封。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]耐火材料之所以具有优良的抵抗高温作用的性能,以及许多耐火材料又各具特性,完全或基本上取决于()。
A. 08:56 B. 09:02 C. 08:50 D. 08:43 [单项选择]持续低热,五心烦热,神疲欲寐,形瘦口干,耳聋,脉虚细,其证候是()。
A. 气分证 B. 营分证 C. 血分证 D. 气营两燔证 E. 卫分证 [判断题]以惰性气体氩气作保护气的电弧焊方法有钨极氩弧焊和熔化极氩弧焊两种。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]集中联锁的调车区,进行连续溜放作业的分歧道岔的道岔表示器,平时( )。
A. 无显示 B. 显示蓝色灯光 C. 显示紫色灯光 D. 显示黄色灯光 [判断题]各种机工具使用人可不按规定穿戴劳动防护用品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在DIP40封装的8×51芯片里,复位RESET引脚的引脚编号是()?
A. 9 B. 19 C. 29 D. 39 [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路,当长度超过( )时,主轨道需要加装补偿电容进行补偿。[323010103]
A.200m B.300m C.400m D.500m [单选题]目前,吉林省高速公路对通行我省的ETC车辆,优惠幅度为通行费的( )。
A.不小于5% B.5% C.不大于5% D.不小于8% [多选题]监理人员的施工质量巡视的主要内容除施工单位是否按工程设计文件、 工程建设标准和批准的施工组织设计、 (专项 ) 施工方案施工, 是否使用合格的材料、 构配件和设备外还包括 ( ) 。
A. 己施工部位是否存在质量缺陷 B. 施工现场条件是否满足施工作业要求 C.施工环境是否对工程质量产生不利影响 D. 特种作业人员是否持证上岗 E.施工现场管理人员 , 尤其是质检人员是否到岗到位 [单选题]为建立交变磁场和感应磁通而需要的电功率称为( )。
A.无功功率 B.有功功率 C.视在功率 D.额定功率 我来回答: 提交