患者男性,75岁,糖尿病史30年,近6年出现蛋白尿及高血压,近2年来肾功能逐渐减退。3个月前开始出现恶心,呕吐,伴双下肢浮肿。近日化验血钾5.5mmol/L,CO2CP16.5mmol/L,C r830μmol/L,HB6.5g/Dl,血糖16mmol/L。诊断为尿毒症期 |
{{B}}The American Family{{/B}} In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are{{U}} (51) {{/U}}enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely{{U}} (52) {{/U}}, and children are often allowed to do{{U}} (53) {{/U}}they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him{{U}} (54) {{/U}} question, and children are encouraged to be{{U}} (55) {{/U}}at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom{{U}} (56) {{/U}}far. Others think that a strong father image would not{{U}} (57) {{/U}}th A. break up B. break into C. break through D. break away from [单选题]仪表的准确度等级越高,测得的数值越准确。
A.正确 B.错误 C.lue D.lue E.lue F.lue G.lue H.lue [单选题] 08-32捣固车起道抄平钢弦的有效长度为( )。
A.11.2m B.13.65m C.15.6m D.18.3m [多项选择]在开展并购贷款时,商业银行应按照这个银行行并购贷款业务发展策略,分别按()类别对并购贷款集中度建立相应的限额控制体系。
A. 单位部门 B. 单个借款人 C. 企业集团 D. 行业 [判断题]三相四线制电路,其中性线的作用是:迫使中性点电压近于零,负载电压近于对称和不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胆汁中含量最多的有机成分是()
A. 胆色素 B. 胆汁酸 C. 胆固醇 D. 磷脂 E. 黏蛋白 [不定项选择]于某因故意伤害致人轻伤被检察机关起诉到人民法院,并建议法院适用简易程序。在法庭审理过程中,邹某的妻子在法庭上寻衅滋事,致使庭审无法继续进行,人民法院应当如何处理( )
A. 由院长决定对其处以1000元罚款或30日以下拘留 B. 由庭长决定对其处以1000元罚款或30日以下拘留 C. 由合议庭决定报院长批准后处以1000元以下罚款 D. 由合议庭决定报院长批准后处以15日以下拘留 [单项选择]
Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict breeds apathy and stagnation. Too much conflict leads to divisiveness and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way. [单选题]根据气体检测数值:氧含量为20.9%,一氧化碳3ppm,硫化氢6ppm,可燃性气体0%,判定为( )环境。
A.A.一级 B.B.二级 C.B.三级 D.D.无法确定 [单项选择]合同可变更、撤销的前提是( )。
A. 损害国家利益 B. 违反法规 C. 当事人提出请求 D. 当事人一方违约 [单项选择]心电图示电轴左偏约为-60°,Ⅰ、Av1导联呈qR波型,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AvF导联呈rS图型,QRS时限<0.12秒见于()
A. 左室肥厚 B. 高侧壁心肌梗死 C. 不完全性左束支阻滞 D. 左后分支阻滞 E. 左前分支阻滞 我来回答: 提交