A. 3.34% B. 4.17% C. 5.12% D. 6.76%
[单选题]某厂有职工147人,某月人均工资1020元,则这个月该厂工资总额约为( )。 A.1.5万元 B.14万元 C.15万元 D.16万元
[填空题]铁路正线线路宜采用60N、75N廓形钢轨,上道后应及时打磨为( )。
[单项选择]微型计算机性能指标中的内存容量是指()。 A. RAM的容量 B. Cache的容量 C. ROM的容量 D. RAM、ROM、Cache的总容量
[多项选择]关于价值工程的论述,正确的有( )。 A. 价值工程以研究产品功能为核心,通过改善功能结构达到降低成本的目标 B. 价值工程中,功能分析目的是补充不足的功能 C. 价值工程中的成本是指生产成本 D. 价值工程在产品设计阶段效果最显著 E. 价值工程中的价值是指单位成本所获得的功能水平
[单选题]红娘子应 A.米炒 B.炒黄 C.炒炭 D.砂炒 E.麸炒
[填空题]一个信息系统的战略应当表达出企业的【 】的需求
[单选题]合伙型基金的参与主体主要为( )。 A.普通合伙人、特殊合伙人及基金份额持有人 B.普通合伙人、有限合伙人及基金份额持有人 C.普通合伙人、特殊合伙人及基金管理人 D.普通合伙人、有限合伙人及基金管理人
[单项选择]下列关于新生儿窒息护理措施的叙述正确的是 A. 应在26~28℃的环境中进行抢救 B. 吸氧流量每分钟不超过2L C. 体外心脏按压每分钟160次左右 D. 抢救成功后立即哺乳 E. 以上都不正确
[判断题](1分)验电前,应先按验电器的自检按钮,发出声光信号,即可确认验电器良好。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多项选择]出口梗阻的主要原因有() A. 脱肛痔 B. 耻骨直肠肌肥厚 C. 直肠粘膜内脱垂 D. 直肠前突
[单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,冲洗绝缘子时应注意风向,应先( )。对于上、下层布置的绝缘子应先冲下层,后冲上层,还要注意冲洗角度,严防临近绝缘子在溅射的水雾中发生闪络。 A.冲下风侧,后冲上风侧 B.冲上风侧,后冲下风侧
[单选题]亚里士多德是古希腊哲学的集大成者,也是演绎派的鼻祖。演绎方法就是 A..从个别到一般的思维活动 B..从一般到个别的思维活动 C..从整体到部分的思维活动 D..从部分到整体的思维活动
[判断题]80、公民、法人或者其他组织可以向行政许可的设定机关和实施机关就行政许可的设定和实施提出意见和建议。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]高速铁路《技规》规定,车站、动车段(所)的调车工作,应按列车运行图、车站或动车段(所)的技术作业过程及调车作业计划进行。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]二次工作安全措施票应随工作票归档保存( )。 A.3个月 B.6个月 C.9个月 D.1年
[单选题]( )是铁路货车因定期检修、临修、故障整修及其他原因等需要扣车时,与车站办理扣车手续的单据,是统计检修车的依据。 A.车统-25 B.车统-33并车统-36 C.车统-23 D.车统-19
[单项选择]肝脓肿声像图表现最不常见的是 A. 囊壁薄而光滑 B. 囊壁可有钙化 C. 囊壁厚而不光滑 D. 病变区呈不均匀的低至中等回声,边界模糊,似肝脏恶性肿瘤 E. 囊内不规则低回声,随体位改变出现漂浮现象
[单选题]_______clever boy Billy is! A.What a B.How a C.What D.How
[单选题]辅锅炉燃烧控制系统中的高火燃烧是指_______-。 A.单油头辅锅炉在汽压正常时的燃烧 B.双油头辅锅炉在汽压达到低限时的燃烧 C.单油头辅锅炉在汽压达到高限时的燃烧 D.双油头辅锅炉在汽压达到高限时的燃烧
[单选题]信息系统远程检修应使用运维专机,并使用加密或公用的传输协议。 A. 正确 B. 错误
[判断题]兴中会是中国第一个全国性的资产阶级革命政党。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]在 737-300 上,VHF——1 和 VHF——2 是相互独立的,则、 A.机长、副驾驶可以同时使用不同的通讯电台通话 B.机长只能使用 VHF——1,副驾驶只能使用 VHF——2 C.机长只能使用 VHF——2,副驾驶只能使用 VHF——1 D.机长、副驾驶不能同时说话
[单项选择]It was March 5, 2013 ______ Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez lost his last fight in life at the age of 58. A. that B. when C. since D. while
[单选题]头骨振动通信装置适用于( )的消防灭火和抢险救援现场。 A.混乱 B..嘈杂 C. 高分贝 D.高噪声
[单选题]骨干通信网按网络类型可划分为传输网、业务网和支撑网。传输网(传送网)包括光缆、光通信系统、微波通信系统、卫星通信系统、载波通信系统等,业务网包括综合数据 网、调度交换网、行政交换网、会议电视网、应急指挥通信系统等;支撑网包括时钟(时 间)同步网、网管网等。( ) A.正确 B.错误
1.Flaxseed slowed the growth of prostate tumors in men,while ginseng helped relieve the fatigue that cancer patients often feel,US researchers reported on Saturday in the first scientifically rigorous looks at alternative medicine. 2.The studies reflect doctors' efforts to explore the risks and benefits of foods and supplements that are routinely taken by their patients with little scientific proof they help.Americans spend between¥36 billion and¥47 billion a year on complementary and alternative therapies,according to the National Center for Health Statistics."Patients are taking these compounds but we need to know if they are doing any good or any harm,"said Dr. Bruce Cheson of Georgetown University Hospital in Washington who led a panel on alternative therapies at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 3.In the flaxseed study,researchers at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and colleagues evaluated the seed's role as a food supplement in 161 men who were scheduled to undergo surgery for prostate cancer."The growth rate was decreased in the men who got flaxseed,"said Dr. Nancy Davidson,an oncologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who is president-elect of ASCO."I think this is fascinating."Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids-and lignins,a fiber found on the seed coat."We were looking at flaxseed because of its unique nutrient profile,"said Wendy Demark-Wahnefried,a researcher in Duke's School of Nursing,who led the study. 4.Half of the men in the study added 30 grams of fiaxseed daily to their diets for about 30 days.Half of the flaxseed group also went on a low-fat diet.After the surgery,the researchers looked at the men's tumor cells to see how quickly the cancer had multiplied.The cancer cells in both the flaxseed groups grew about 30 to 40 percent slower than the control group. 5.But Demark-Wahnefried is not ready to prescribe flaxseed."It's a healthy food.It has a lot of vitamins and a lot of fiber. But we cannot definitively say at this point you should take flaxseed because it is protective against prostate cancer,"she said,adding that flaxseed now needed to be studied to see if it can prevent prostate cancer. 6.In the ginseng trial,Debra Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota,and col-leagues tested three different doses of the herb on potency with a variety of cancers who were expected to live at least six months. Twenty-five percent of patients taking a 1,000-mg dose and twenty-seven percent of patients taking a 2,000-mg dose said their fatigue symptoms were"moderately better" or"much better."Only 10 percent of those taking a 750-mg dose reported an improvement, which was about the same as the placebo group.Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency.It was powdered and given in a capsule form."I wouldn't have predicted this,I have to admit,"Davidson said in an interview,"we might want to test this on a large scale." 7.The flaxseed study was funded by the National institutes of Health and the ginseng study was supported by US Public Health Service grants.
Paragraph 6___________
A.The Motivation of Flaxseed Study
B.The Study on Ginseng Displays Its Good Promise
C.The Doctors' Responsibility Led Them to Carry Out These Two Studies
D.Ginseng Is As Good to Cancer Patients As Flax-seed
E.The Methods and Results of the Study on Flax-seed
F.A Different Opinion on the Use of Flax-seed
[多选题]对于重要或者有特殊负荷()的客户,需开展受电工程设计审查和中间检查。 A.A.高次谐波 B.B.冲击性负荷 C.C.波动负荷 D.D.非对称性负荷 E.略 F.略 G.略
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