Once upon a time, innovation at Procter
& Gamble flowed one way: from the United States outward. While the large
Cincinnati-based corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold
them products that were already familiar to most Americans. Many Japanese
families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers, and lots of
Venezuelans brush their teeth with Crest. And of course (company executives
assumed) Americans at home wanted these same familiar, red-white and blue
brands. We might buy foreign-made cars, or chocolates, or cameras but household
cleaners and detergents Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent, was born overseas, and is a familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America. Now bilingual packages of Ariel Ultra, a super-concentrated cleaner, are appeari A. The brands of Pampers, Crest, Ariel, and Cinch reflect the one-way flow tradition of Procter & Gamble. B. In spite of market changes, Procter & Gamble still sticks to its long-standing tradition of one-way flow innovation. C. Procter & Gamble has to change its one-way flow tradition because of the increased number of its foreign managers. D. Today one may meet more foreign faces in Procter & Gamble than years ago. [单选题]电冰箱专项检修时,查看微电脑控制系统:显示屏显示( )字符时,表示该探头与蒸发管没有紧密接触;
A."Er2" B."Er1" C." HH " D." LL" [多选题] 车站应按规定对 、 、 、 等进行巡视,并及时处理异常情况。
A.车站出入口 B.站厅 C.站台 D.通道 [多选题]下列为TCMS-HMI功能的为( )。
A.故障信息提示报警 B.触摸功能 C.自动亮度调节功能 D.过压保护功能 [判断题]粗苯再生器排渣时底部温度 200±10℃
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对同一天、相同安全措施的多个低压营销作业现场的工作,可使用一张现场作业工作卡。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]流行病学特征包括()。
A. 群体特征 B. 以分布为起点的特征 C. 对比的特征 D. 随机化的特征 E. 社会医学的特征 [单项选择]肾综合征出血热治疗原则"三早一就"是()
A. 早发现,早诊断,早休息就近治疗 B. 早诊断,早休息,早期就近治疗 C. 早休息,早治疗,就近治疗 D. 早发现,早休息,早期就近治疗 E. 早治疗,早控制,早期就近治疗 [单选题]违反《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》规定,造成人身、财产损害的,依法承担( )责任。
A.刑事 B.民事 C.行政 [多项选择]验级人员必须持证上岗,严格执行(),准确验级,切实把好烟叶等级的合格率质量关,不压级压价,抬级抬价,不收入情烟,情绪烟。
A. 国家政策 B. 国家标准 C. 行业政策 D. 行业标准 [多选题]97、贷款人有哪些行为,中国人民银行可以责令改正;逾期不改正的,中国人民银行可以处以5千元以上1万元以下罚款( )。
A.A、没有公布所经营贷款的种类、期限、利率的 B.B、没有公开贷款条件和发放贷款时要审查的内容的 C.C、没有向人民银行指定的借款人贷款的 D.D、没有在规定期限内答复借款人贷款申请的 [单项选择]Yasuhisa Shizoki, a 51-year-old MP from Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), starts tapping his finger on the dismal economic chart on his coffee table. "Unless we change the decision-making process," he says bluntly, "we are not going to be able to solve this kind of problem." With the economy in such a mess, it may seem a bit of a diversion to be trying to sort out Japan’s political structures as well as its economic problems. But Mr Shiozaki can hardly be accused of time-wasting. He has consistently prodded the government to take a firm hand to ailing banks, and has given warning against complacency after a recent rise in share prices. Far from being a distraction, his latest cause highlights how far Japan is from genuine economic reform. Since cowriting a report on political reform, which was released by an LDP panel last week, Mr Shiozaki has further upset the party’s old guard. Its legionaries, flanked by columns of the bureaucracy, continue to hamper most attempts to
A. The economic situation in Japan is depressing. B. Shizoki is engaged in some time-wasting activity. C. The economic chart mirrors genuine revivals. D. Shizoki is addicted to his enjoyable diversions. [单选题]构成蛋白质的氨基酸属于下列哪种氨基酸?( )
A.L-α氨基酸 B.L-β氨基酸 C.D-α氨基酸 D.D-β氨基酸 [单项选择]
A. receiver B. producer C. taker D. reliever [单项选择]不合格药品库(区)()
A. 按经销、使用假药处罚 B. 按销售劣药处理 C. 处以警告或并处2万至3万元罚款 D. 处以警告或并处罚款 E. 按无证经营处罚 [单项选择]下列关于客户评级与债项评级的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 在某一时点,同一债务人可能有不同的客户评级 B. 在某一时点,同一债务人的不同交易可能会有不同的债项评级 C. 客户评级主要针对客户的每笔具体债项进行评级 D. 债项评级是在假设客户尚未违约的情况下,针对每笔债项本身的特点预测债项可能的损失率 [单选题]《晋能控股集团有限公司员工奖惩办法(试行)》规定,员工在工作期间违法犯罪的,被强制戒毒或行政拘留的,视情形给予()处分。
A.A、警告 B.B、记过 C.C、记大过或降级 D.D、撤职或解除劳动合同 [单选题]VPI/iLOCK型计算机联锁设备辅助办理表示灯(),表示正在辅助办理改变运行方向。
A.点亮白色 B.点亮红灯 C.点亮红闪 D.点亮黄灯 [判断题]设备管理岗位技能要求包括专业业务技术技能与管理技能。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]苦思冥想,寻求顿悟,是实现理想的根本途径。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]岗位交接班记录本中不允许出现( )
A.凭旧换新 B.双方签字 C.划改签字 D.撕页涂抹 [单项选择] The lessons of state failure
Traditional diplomacy deals with risks of conflict between nation-states. These risks are of course still present, but a more pervasive danger is that states will simply collapse. Of a dozen or so conflicts in Africa in recent years, few, if any, have involved cross-border aggression. Instead, bankrupt and impoverished states have imploded, the vacuum filled not by regimes with newly consolidated power but by brutal violence engulfing civilians. The disaster then fans out to neighboring countries, and eventually much farther a field.
A special "task force on state failure" set up by America’’s CIA has found that three variables are most predictive of state stability or instability: the openness of the economy; democracy; and infant mortality. In sub-Saharan Africa, where much of the population lives on the edge of subsistence, poverty and slow economic growth, or outright decline, increased the likelihood of future st
A. True B. False C. NOT GIVEN [单项选择]机体维持体液平衡的主要脏器是( )
A. 心 B. 肝 C. 肺 D. 肾 E. 脾 [单项选择]在施工质量验收过程中,( )应按规定进行见证取样检测。
A. 涉及结构安全的试块、试件以及有关材料 B. 影响外形美观的建筑材料 C. 涉及耐久性的有关材料 D. 所有的建筑材料 [简答题]个人存款证明的有效期即为个人权利凭证的(BlankArea),经办人员对存款证明款项进行止付处理时,系统会自动于接受申请人提出申请之日起止付,并于存款证明书(BlankArea)自动进行解除止付。
A. 便秘 B. 风寒痹痛 C. 肿疡初起 D. 阳痿早泄 E. 中风脱证 [简答题]经常性安全培训教育的形式有什么?
[判断题] 防喷器的开关状态应挂牌说明。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]做好德育工作是谁的责任( )
A.领导 B.全体教职工 C.班主任 我来回答: 提交