We meets the challenge of globalization{{/B}} Ten years ago, US bankers and brokers talked about globalization. Capital barriers would fall, there would be seamless 24 - hour trading across time zones and full - service institutions would serve farmers in Iowa to car workers in Osaka. As the US capital markets enter the 1990s, the reality is that globalization is still in its early stages and next decade as it was in the last. There has, however, been a qualitative change in the rhetoric. Then, globalization was seen in the US as an opportunity. Now the US is far less confident of its ability to dominate the global market and is showing signs of falling behind its competitors. Globalization is now an urgent challenge. Mr. Curtis Welling, managing director in charge of equities at A. The SEC has set up a special body to work on institutional matters. B. Details on how to move capital between countries are finalised. C. Mr. Welling feels more work is needed on the global market concept. D. "nuts and bolts" (line 53) and "plumbing and electricity" (line 62 - 3) have similar meanings. [单选题]两人绝交后,陈敬瑄当上了四川节度使。长安发生叛乱,宗某随逃难人群到了蜀地锦江。 他四处_,隐姓埋名,准备_,结果在内江还是被陈敬瑄所杀。
依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.游荡 销声匿迹 B.流窜 遮人耳目 C.漫游 死灰复燃 D.游逛 东山再起 [多项选择]德国浪漫主义的主要作家有( )
A. 施莱格尔兄弟 B. 霍夫曼 C. 霍桑 D. 乔治桑 E. 海涅 [单项选择]井下使用额定电压为038/066KV的电缆护套应为()。
A. 红色 B. 黄色 C. 黑色 [判断题]220kV及以上分箱结构断路器每相应安装独立的密度继电器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]途中遇有动车组列车( )以上的卫生间集便箱满载停用,预计无法维持使用至下一图定吸污站点时,由列车长视情况,按照公布的高铁吸污站名单选择应急吸污站。
A.20% B.30% C.50% D.75% [单选题]AEO001424
允许速度不大于160km/h区段钢轨顶面上有长度大于(???)mm且深度大于10mm的掉块,应判断为钢轨折断。 A.20 B.30 C.50 D.40 [多选题] 解决动物保护与利用动物的矛盾的叙述正确的是:( )
A. 不再允许使用实验动物进行科学实验 B. 寻求动物的替代物或替代方法(技术) C. 科学、合理地使用动物,包括合理开发动物资源和善待动物 D. 把动物保护和动物利用人为地对立起来,对动物保护不予理睬 [判断题]触电分电击和电伤,电击是指电流通过人体外部造成的局部伤害。
A. 在干燥的假膜中可生存3个月 B. 对热、化学药品抵抗力强 C. 革兰染色阳性 D. 在含血和鸡蛋的培养基上生长良好 E. 白喉棒状杆菌 我来回答: 提交