Man have often been praised by being
told that they were as smart as a Philadelphia lawyer. No one knows why there is
something special about Philadelphia lawyers, but the expression "smart as a
Philadelphia lawyer" seems to have come from a famous trial early in the 18th
century. An Englishman, William S. Cosby arrived in New York as the royal governor of the province. He was a tyrant. He wanted to make money quickly and he ruled the province with no thought for the law or the rights of the people. Among those who opposed his rule was John Peter Zinger who came to America from Germany Mr. Zinger started a newspaper which praised liberty and sharply criticized the governor. Governor Cosby arrested Mr. Zinger, charged him with slander and kept him in prison for 9 months. Mr. Zinger could not find a New York lawyer to defend him because A. he wanted to make money quickly B. he was the royal governor C. he was a tyrant D. they were biased [判断题] 火场供水是指消防人员利用消防车、消防泵和其他供水器材将水输送到火场,供消防人员出水灭火的行动过程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]微信小程序页面组件开发中的
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Oracle中,可以根据用户建立的模型,自动生成数据字典、数据库表、应用代码和文档的工具是
A. Oracle Forms B. Modelers C. Generators D. BPR [判断题]《高炮人工防雹增雨作业业务规范(试行)》中指出,省级部门要收集全省全天候监测资料,并对作业区域进行跟踪、滚动订正预警。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]遇油类着火时,应用_( )_扑救效果最好
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《中国农业发展银行水利建设中长期政策性贷款业务管理办法》规定:水利建设中长期政策性贷款实行()的管理要求。
A. 统一管理、单独核算 B. 总行管理、分行核算 C. 分账管理、分类核算 D. 系统管理、分类核算 [多选题]采用分类法可以将()等方面相同或相似的产品归为一类。
A.产品的售价 B.产品生产工艺技术过程 C.产品的性质和用途 D.产品结构和耗用原材料 我来回答: 提交