At the present time, 98 percent of the
world energy consumption comes from stored sources, such as fossil fuels or
nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completely renewable
sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel
reserves, solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the
development of controlled thermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term
solution to the world’s energy crisis. Within about 100 years, the thermal
pollution resulting from our increased energy consumption will make solar energy
a necessity at any cost. Man’s energy consumption is currently about one part in ten thousand that of the energy we receive from the sun. However, it is growing at a 5 percent rate, of which about 2 percent represents a population growth and 3 percent a per capita energy increase. If [单项选择]近年来,国家加大了对制造和贩卖假冒伪劣产品行为的打击力度。这里说的劣质产品
A. 是商品,因为它们有使用价值 B. 是商品,因为它们耗费了人类劳动 C. 不是商品,因为它们不具备相应的使用价值,不能作为商品出售 D. 不是商品,因为它们不具备物美价廉的商品销售标准 [单项选择]The great question that this paper will, but feebly, attempt to answer is, What is the creative process
Though much theory has accumulated, little is really known about the power that lies at tile bottom of poetic creation. It is true that great poets and artists produce beauty by employing all the powers of personality and by fusing emotions, reason, and intuitions. But what is the magical synthesis that joins and arranges these complex parts into poetic unity John L. Lowes, in his justly famous The Road to Xanadu, developed one of the earliest and still generally acceptable answers to this tantalizing question. Imaginative creation, he concludes, is a complex process in which the conscious and unconscious minds "jointly operate." "There is…the deep well with its chaos of fortuitously blending images; but there is likewise the Vision which sees shining in and through the chaos the potential lines of Form, and with the Vision, the controlling Will, which gives to that potent A. accidentally B. luckily C. thoroughly D. unconsciously [多选题]班组长的管理职能主要有( )
A.计划 B.组织 C.领导 D.控制 [不定项选择]郑某因与某公司发生合同纠纷,委托律师马某全权代理诉讼,但未作具体的授权。根据民事诉讼法及相关规定,在无郑某特别授权的情形下,马某在诉讼中无权代为实施下列哪些行为
A. 提出管辖权异议 B. 提起反诉 C. 提起上诉 D. 进行和解 [单选题]按桥面位置分类,上承式桥是指桥面位于( )上部的桥。
A.桥墩 B.桥跨结构 C.河面 D.地面 [单项选择]肝在五轮学说中为()。
A. 水轮 B. 风轮 C. 气轮 D. 血轮 E. 肉轮 [单选题]预制浮运沉井在注水下沉前进行的工作是( )。
A.精确定位 B.施工准备 C.起吊、滑道下水 D.清理基底 [填空题]()被列宁誉为是“中国十一世纪改革家”。
[判断题]申请司法确认调解协议, 双方当事人应自调解协议生效之日起一个月
内, 共同向调解组织所在地基层人民法院提出。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]当动车组列车制动系统故障须切除单车制动力时,( )应将切除制动力的情况及( )通知司机,司机报告( )( )后,按( )运行。
A.大队以上单位正职领导审批 B.支队以上单位副职领导审批 C.支队以上单位正职领导审批 D.总队级单位副职领导审批 [多选题]行政诉讼是国家诉讼制度的基本形式之一。关于行政诉讼,下列哪些说法正确:
A.A村民甲对县政府的征收补偿决定不服,向市中院起诉,该院本着自愿合法不损害国家和他人利益的原则,进行了调解 B.B乙公司认为商标局对丙公司作出的“天使之魅”商标严重侵害自己依法享有的商标权,向法院提起诉讼,在一审开庭之前,原告乙公司向法院申请一并解决其与本案第三人丙公司之间的商标权争议和民事侵权赔偿纠纷,法院于是决定一并审理 C.C丁公司向县法院起诉县税务局罚款10万元的处罚,法院经审理认为该行政处罚合法合理,于是作出驳回原告诉讼请求的判决 D.DA公司起诉市税务局的税务保全行为,法院经审理认为该行为明显不当,于是判决予以撤销,并责令被告重新处理 [填空题]
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that the bigger a community is______.
A. the better its quality of life B. the more similar its interests C. the more tolerant and open-minded it is D. the likelier it is to display psychological symptoms of stress [单选题]电力通信网管巡视时应采用具有网管维护员级别的账号登录,不应采用( )级别的账号登录。
A. 巡视人员 B.网管维护员 C.监控人员 D.系统管理员或系统业务配置人员 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG510001-2015)第25.1.2条规定:遇有()级以上的大风时,禁止露天进行起重工作。
A.3 B.6 C.2 D.5 [简答题]什么叫串级控制?
[单项选择] This is offered as a textbook illustration of the principle that voters are far shrewder than most politicians believe. This case study highlighting Washington’’s inability to fool anyone is based on a recent survey of the attitudes of people on Medicare about their new prescription-drug benefit.
Last fall, when Congress added prescription-drug coverage to Medicare, the new law was hailed as a political masterpiece. Congressional Democrats, who overwhelmingly opposed the bill, thundered that they, too, were eager to provide a drug benefit under Medicare, but they championed alternative legislation that offered a larger drug subsidy and smaller incentives to health insurers to participate. Liberals such as Sen. Edward Kennedy were confident that the drug bill, with plenty of holes in its benefit formulas, would inevitably be expanded around the time it took effect.
Not many in Congress seemed troubled that the federal budget was deep in deficit, the nation was saddled with
A. An offered illustration. B. Part of a textbook on politics. C. What the author is going to write. D. The principle that voters are shrewder than most politicians believe. [单项选择]我国现行版药典是何时颁布的
A. 1985年 B. 1995年 C. 2000年 D. 2003年 E. 2005年 [单选题]患者男,18岁。3天前开始出现咳嗽,咽干,继而出现喷嚏、流清水样鼻涕,伴轻度头痛、低热,鼻黏膜充血,该患者最可能出现了
A.疱疹性咽峡炎 B.急性感染性喉炎 C.急性细菌性扁桃体炎 D.急性气管炎 E.流行性感冒 [单项选择]患者男性,60岁,血压180/110mmHg,心率45次/分,治疗不宜用()
A. 双氢克尿塞 B. 维拉帕米 C. 硝苯地平 D. 氯沙坦 E. 卡托普利(巯甲丙脯酸) [填空题]电空位操纵时,电空制动控制器的重联位时,中继阀处于( )状态。
[判断题](30782)( )TCDS车载信息无线传输装置由段级运用车间进行日常维护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在标准大气压下,由压力表测得某罐顶部压强为0.63MPa,其绝对压强是( ) MPa。
A.0.63 B.0.73 C.1.63 D.1.26 [单项选择]两个抗原完全不同时,双扩平板法的沉淀线出现()。
A. 二条沉淀线相交叉 B. 二条弧线完全融合 C. 二条沉淀线平行 D. 二条弧线不连接 E. 二条弧线部分融合 [多项选择]对患者用药指导的方法包括( )
A. 个例示范法 B. 媒介传播法 C. 咨询答疑法 D. 专题讲座法 E. 科普教育法 我来回答: 提交