A Society without a Formal
Authority{{/B}} In the seventeenth century, European soldiers who came across some Indian groups in the western Great Lakes found that several native tribes were living in the area without a formal leadership system. They appeared to be "quite friendly with each other without a formal authority ! Not only did the Indians appear to lack a formal system of authority, but they also deeply hated any efforts to control their actions. All members of the tribes knew what was required of them by lifelong familiarity with the tasks of the area. These tasks tended to be simple, since the Indian’s rate of social change was slow. Thus, although subgroups such as soldiers had recognized leaders, no real aut A. under severe weather conditions B. with great efforts C. without any delay D. with great care [判断题]电弧性短路引起的火灾危险远小于金属性短路。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题][说明] 设计一个普通函数distance (Point &p1,Point &p2),用于计算p1和p2点之间的距离。本程序执行结果如下:(2,2)与(5,5)之间距离=4.24264
# include < iostream. h > # include < math. h > class Point int x, y; public: Point(int i, int j) (1) int getx( ) return x; int gety( ) return y; void disp( ) (2) ; float distance( Point &p1, Point &p2 ) float d; (3) return d; void main( ) (4) p1. disp ( ); cout < <“与”; p2. diap( ); cout< <“之间距离=” < <distance (p1,p2) < <end1; [单选题]应停车的客运列车错办通过,定车站责任;在区间乘降所错误通过,定(
)单位责任。 A.车务 B.机务 C.车务、机务 [判断题]BC005 在将火炬臂的弦杆在垫墩就位时,应严格对准 180°线和顶端基准点,确认无误后在与胎( )架点牢。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]动火工作负责人的安全责任有()。
A.正确安全地组织动火工作 B.负责检修应做的安全措施并使其完善,并向有关人员布置动火工作,交待防火安全措施和进行安全教育 C.始终监督现场动火工作和负责办理动火工作票开工和终结 D.动火工作间断、终结时检查现场有无残留火种 [单选题]10Base-T以太网中,以下说法不对的是().
A.A:10指的是传输速率为10MBPS B.B:Base指的是基带传输 C.C:T指的是双绞线 D.D:10Base-T是以太网的一种配置 [多选题]“随薪贷”贷款对象主要包括()。
A.农业银行代发工资优质行业单位的正式在编员工。 B.非农业银行代发工资优质行业单位的正式在编员工。 C.其他以稳定的薪资收入为还款来源的优质个人客户。 D.优质行业单位的所有员工 [单选题]出租汽车驾驶员不按计程计价设备显示金额收费的,出租汽车驾驶员服务质量信誉考核分值( )。
A.扣10分 B.扣5分 C.扣3分 D.扣1分 [单项选择]Many of the students have a grasp of the main structures, a reasonable vocabulary and a(n) ______ idea of how to pronounce most words they come across.
A. faint B. vague C. obscure D. rough [多项选择]在以下所列的各种业务中,属于注册会计师的“其他鉴业务”的是( )。
A. 对特定财务信息执行商定程序 B. 系统鉴证 C. 注册资本实收情况的审验 D. 预测性财务信息审核 [单选题]在职位分类过程中,先将职位分成大类,再分成小类,最后将所有的职位归类化等的职位分类法被称为( )。
A.排序法 B.归类法 C.点数法 D.要素比较法 [单选题] 在《刑法》中与消防违法行为有关的罪责有()和重大责任事故罪等。A B C D
A. 失火罪 B. 放火罪 C. 消防责任事故罪 D. 危害安全罪 E. 危险物品肇事罪 [单项选择]患者左下第一前磨牙3天来遇冷食痛,刺激去除后疼痛持续十数秒后消失。检查见该牙近中边缘嵴略透暗色,探诊龋深,未发现穿髓孔。为诊断应选用的检查方法是()
A. 咬诊 B. 叩诊 C. 光纤透照 D. 温度测验 E. X线片检查 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(空调)6.2.3,垃圾装袋、封口、无渗漏,定位放置,在大站定点投放;不向车外扫倒垃圾、抛扔杂物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The alligator (鳄鱼) was Mother’s fault. She told me to buy something (35) Mother, as usual, blames me. She says that I’ve got more (36) than brains.
That’s not my little brother’s (37) I’m envious of my younger brother, Bobby, because (38) likes him. Last Christmas I gave him a pair of socks. Bobby was too stupid to understand the insult (侮辱). (39) getting mad, he said to me, "They’re great and just what I (40) ". Mother had understood, though. So (41) year, on Friday, the week before Bobby’s eighth birthday, she said, "Why can’t you (42) your little brother Only a mean person buys a cheap pair of white cotton socks." Then she added, "I got (43) when he was watching a (44) show on TV. He likes animals. They’ve got 土turtles (龟) on sale. You can buy him (45) as a birthday gift." Feeling annoyed but (46) , I promised. On the morning of (47) , I saw the newspaper on the kitchen table. In b [判断题]驱动装置是数控车床的控制核心
[单选题] ( )是社会主义法治的价值追求。
A. 依法治国 B. 执法为民 C. 服务大局 D. 公平正义 我来回答: 提交