About 40 percent of Americans think of
themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from
shyness at some point in their lives. Shyness occurs when a person’s
apprehensions are so great that they (1) his making an
expected or desired social response. (2) of shyness can be
as minor as (3) to make eye contact when speaking to
someone, (4) as major as avoiding conversations whenever
possible. "Shy people tend to be too (5) with themselves, "said Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist, who is one of those at the forefront of current research on the topic." (6) , for a smooth conversation, you need to pay attention to the other person’s cues (7) he is saying and doing. But the shy person is full of (8) about how he seems to the other person, and so he often (9) A. best B. justice C. fair D. worst [单项选择]What happened to the man’s son
[A] He lost his money. [B] He picked his money up. [C] He returned the man’s money. [判断题]企业申请开立银行结算账户,需出具真实、有效的开户证明文件,其中营业执照须出具正本。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于内源性凝血途径的凝血因子主要包括
A.FⅡ、FⅤ、FⅦ、FⅩ B.FⅧ、FⅨ、FⅪ、FⅫ C.FⅠ、FⅤ、FⅧ、FⅫ D.FⅠ、FⅡ、FⅦ、FⅧ E.FⅢ、FⅤ、FⅧ、FⅨ [单选题]主轴箱、进给箱、溜板箱内润滑油一般( )更换一次。
A.一年 B.半年 C.三个月 D.八个月 [判断题]T型人格是一种好冒险、爱剌激的人格特征。
A.红色 B.白色 C.黄色 [判断题]平键连接属于松键连接,采用基轴制
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乙烯制冷压缩机一段吸入罐设有喷淋,喷淋的液相乙烯来自()。
A. 二段吸入罐 B. 一段用户 C. 三段吸入罐 D. 乙烯冷剂收集罐 [名词解释]生理钟
A.Z1Σ< Z0Σ B.Z1Σ= Z0Σ C.Z1Σ> Z0Σ D.不确定 [单选题]下列哪项是染色体畸变的原因()
A. 染色体自发性畸变 B. 某些辐射 C. 亚硝酸、甲醛等化学物质 D. 温度的改变 E. 疾病的影响 [多选题]轴箱装置的组成包括( )
A.轴箱体 B.防尘挡圈、密封圈 C.端盖、压盖 D.轴承 [多选题]领导机关抓基层建设需要努力实现()。
A.从单纯依靠行政命令的做法向依法行政的根本性转变 B.从单纯靠习惯和经验开展工作的方式向依靠法规和制度开展工作的根本性转变 C.从突击式、运动式抓工作的方式向按条令条例办事的根本性转变 D.靠“土办法”开展工作 [单选题](单选题)利用《动物源性食品中氯霉素类药物残留量测定》(GB/T 22338-2008)测定氯霉素,定性时,相对离子丰度在40%,允许的相对偏差是: ( )
A. ±20% B. ±25% C. ±30% D. ±50% [填空题]闭路电视监控系统简称__________, 主要作用是让有权限的工作人员__________。
[单项选择]道路安全设施中,设置( )的目的是给道路通行人员提供确切的信息,保证交通安全畅通。
A. 交通标志 B. 路面标线 C. 视线诱导标 D. 防眩设施 [单选题]引导接车时,列车以不超过( )km/h速度进站,并做好随时停车的准备。
A.20 B.30 C.60 [单项选择]用单台处理机顺序计算表达式:f=a+be+ce2+de3,需 (29) 级。若用三台处理机并行计算此表达式,则只需 (30) 级。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 我来回答: 提交