根据以下案例,回答14~40题: 张先生有100万元人民币,考虑到目前银行存款利率较低,在股市看好时,想将这笔钱来做证券投资,张先生在上海证券交易所买了10487元B公司的A股股票和8000元的B公司发行的可转换债券,并且买了正在发行的面值为100元的10年期国债,国债票面利率为5%,市场利率为5%。同时将另外的20万元投资了货币市场基金。 |
I was not at all happy at the prospect of the
700-mile drive from Dar es Salaam to Nairobi. It was not that I disliked driving
but I suspected that what is a very pleasant trip in the dry season could prove
disastrous during the long rains, and the monsoons had arrived the previous
week. I was fully aware of the possibility of a breakdown, of hitting large
animals as they stopped, dazzled by my headlamps, or even of skidding off the
road. But these dangers worried me much less than the thought of the stretches
of black cotton soil I would have to negotiate, gray and hard as concrete when
dry, but a black, viscous, muddy mess with the consistency of elastic after just
one heavy shower of rain. However, I had to be in Nairobi by the weekend so
there was nothing for it but to drive; all planes were fully booked three weeks
ahead and A. was incomplete B. was a modem control post C. was made of tar barrels D. was in ideal working conditions [判断题]
采用延迟式AGC电路时,中放输出必须分成两路,其目 的是消除对输入信号检波的延迟 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]护士小刘,用PES公式书写护理诊断,其中s代表( )
A.患者的主诉 B.患者的症状或体征 C.患者产生健康问题的原因 D.患者的既往史 E.患者的健康问题 [单选题]柱塞泵出口超压保护是当泵出口压力超过设计压力值时,( )立即动作,否则将发生重大事故。
A.止回阀 B.报警装置 C.安全阀 D.压力仪表 [判断题]在正常使用环境下,对人有危害的材料不宜用来制造设备。若必须使用时,则应采取可靠的安全卫生技术措施以保障人员的安全和健康。
A.保障对象全员化 B.互助共济,责任分担 C.保障项目广泛 D.资金来源多渠道 [单选题] 从违法行为的构成要素看,判断某一行为是否违法的关键因素是()
A. 该行为在法律上被确认为违法 B. 该行为有故意或者过失的过错 C. 该行为由具有责任能力的主体作出 D. 该行为侵犯了法律所保护的某种社会关系和社会利益 [多项选择]残波辐射包括()
A. 基波辐射 B. 谐波辐射 C. 寄生辐射 D. 相互调制产生的辐射 [填空题]管理学形成以前分为两个阶段:早期管理实践与管理思想阶段和();管理学形成后分为三个阶段:古典管理理论阶段、新古典管理理论阶段和()。
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