If the bidding frenzy over Safeway were
any indication, you’d think that big grocery stores had become luxury
collectibles. Every one of Britain’s top retailers—Tesco, Wal-Mart owned Asda,
Morrisons and Sainsburys--are making a play for Safeway, which became a takeover
target when sales started lagging at its 480 stores. But the real appeal of
Safeway has little to do with the value of its stores: it’s about the land they
sit on. There’s now so little property available for commercial development in
Britain, or in Western Europe, that buying old stores is the fastest way to find
space for new ones. This explains why European retail is one of the few industries anywhere on the globe that have been generating a steady stream of dealmaking buzz. At a time when global mergers and acquisitions have fallen 8 A. it has a very good reputation among customers. B. its stores have occupied a moderate acreage. C. the takeover of it enables them to expand. D. the takeover of it can make them the biggest retailer. [单项选择]人类的整体进化主要是以()的水平和形式实现的。
A. 教育发展 B. 社会存在 C. 集体主义 D. 能力进步 [简答题]白酒中产生涩味的物质有哪些?
[单选题]使用 300T 型列控车载设备,在进入( ) 模式后必须及时开车。
A.隔离模式 B.部分监控 C.目视 [判断题]对没有明显社会危害,当事人确无能力履行,中止执行满五年未执行的,行政机关不再执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](48955)( )露天工作场所遇有4级以上大风时,禁止高空作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触头开断电流时,一般在两触头间会产生( )。
A.电磁 B.电弧 C.电流 D.电压 [单选题]带电检修至少应由( )人进行。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the news.{{/I}}Which of the following is true of the American-made devices
A. They are washing machines. B. They are used to steer and steady the International Space Station. C. They have been plagued with problems for more than three years. D. They will be replaced by the Russian-made devices. [判断题]电压速断保护必须加装电流闭锁元件才能使用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某独脚木圆桌因桌面首先被烧失去平衡而倾倒,其倾倒方向与火势蔓延方向一般应( )。
A.相同 B.相反 C.垂直 D.不能确定 [单选题]男性,40岁。暴饮暴食后6小时发生中上腹痛,放射至后腰部,呕吐一次不缓解。查体:上腹部有压痛,无肌紧张和反跳痛,肝脾肋下未触及,腹水征(一)。
A.吗啡类止痛药 B.禁食 C.胰酶抑制剂 D.营养支持 [判断题]判定有限空间危险程度时,如果有害环境性质未知,不应作为IDLH环境对待。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]常驻轨道交通线路、车站公安干警, 经查实在 2021 年发布的《关于全面加强轨道交通工作人员禁烟 管理的意见》适用范围的场所内违规吸烟的, 由集团公司通报轨道交通( )部门按照有关规定处理。
A. 质安 B. 人力资源 C. 后勤 D.公安 [单项选择]工程咨询作为一个独立的行业,始于( ),它是近代工业化的产物,最初出现在建筑业中。
A. 18世纪上半叶 B. 19世纪上半叶 C. 19世纪下半叶 D. 20世纪上半叶 [简答题]简述静息电位和动作电位产生的原因?
A. 有毒植物中毒 B. 有毒动物中毒 C. 霉菌污染食品中毒 D. 化学添加剂中毒 E. 细菌性食品中毒 [单选题]中碳钢的含碳量( )。
A.<0.25% B.0.25%~0.60% C.>0.60% D.>0.25% [多选题]设计标准化的要求有( )。
A.当各层次标准出现矛盾时,应以管理部门的为准 B.在使用功能方面应遵守上限标准 C.在安全、卫生等方面应注意上限标准 D.施工图设计前应检查是否符合标准规范的规定 E.根据建设地点的自然、地质等条件与使用功能,制定合理的设计方案 我来回答: 提交