The first snowboards were made in the 1960s. However, it was in the late 1970s that they became more (21) Throughout the 1980s, more and more people began taking up the sport, even though snowboards were not allowed on most ski hills. (22) its earlier problems, snowboarding is now the world’s (23) growing winter sports and most resorts (度假地) welcome snowboards. In 1963, a Grade 8 student named Tom Sims (24) a ski-board for a school project in New Jersey. Then in 1966, a man named Sherman Poppen (25) two skis together for his kids on Christmas day. He called his invention "the Snurfer," which (26) the words "snow" and "surf". In 1969, Jack Burton Carpenter received a (27) for Christmas. He soon began designing boards, and today "Burton" is a p A. wanted B. hurried C. refused D. began [多选题]居民身份证登记的项目包括:姓名、性别、民族、出生日期( )
A.常住户口所在地住址 B.公民身份号码 C.本人相片 D.证件的有效期和签发机关 [单选题]境外机构人民币银行结算账户为()存款账户。
A.定期 B.活期 C.结算 D.一般 [单项选择]最适宜的乳化温度是()
A. 20℃~30℃ B. 30℃~40℃ C. 50℃~70℃ D. 80℃~90℃ E. 90℃~100℃ [多选题]糖尿病高渗性昏迷的临床特点( )
A.多见于I型糖尿病患者 B.2/3患者发病前无糖尿病病史或仅有轻度糖尿病 C.患者多有肾功能不全 D.血浆渗透压>350mOsm/L,血钠增高或正常,血糖常>33.3mmol/L E.临床上有神经系统症状,如局部性抽搐.偏瘫.失语,Babinski征阳性等。 [单项选择]对于不饱和湿空气,干球温度()湿球温度()露点温度。
A. <;< B. >;> C. =;= [多选题] “一件事”改革是指通过(),线上一个平台或线下一个窗口统一办理,形成“一窗受理、一次告知、一表申请、一套材料、一次提交、一次反馈、一次分办、一窗出件、一号服务、一键评价”的办理模式,切实提升政务服务水平。( )
A.整合事项 B.流程再造 C.资源共享 D.信息共享 [填空题]<--NRC-->是指列车、机车(自轮运转特种设备)或车列由一个地点移动至另一地点所经过的路线,
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