I find it wholesome to be alone the
greater part of the time, to be in company, even with the best, is soon
wearisome and dissipating, and I never found a companion so companionable as
solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad than when we stay in our chambers, for solitude is not measured by the space that intervenes between a man and his fellows. The farmer, who can work alone all day without feeling lonesome, but must recreate with others at night, wonders how the student can sit alone at night; he does not realize the student, though in the house, is actually at work in his field, chopping his wood as the farmer is in his. Society is commonly too cheap: we meet at very short intervals, not having had time to ac- quire any new value for each other; we meet at meats three times a day and try to give each other a n A. lonely B. wearisome C. healthy, sound and comforting D. dissipating [单选题]运输收入事故分为()三类。
A.现金事故、现金丢失、现金被盗 B.现金事故、票据事故、坏账损失 C.票据事故、票据丢失、票据被盗 D.现金丢失、票据被盗、无法收回的坏账。 [多项选择]水管锅炉常见的腐蚀有()。
A. 烟气侧的低温硫腐蚀; B. 汽水侧的氧腐蚀; C. 垢下腐蚀; D. 锅筒内壁点、斑腐蚀。 [单选题]下列各项属于典型深冷分离流程的是( )。
A.前冷流程 B.后冷流程 C.全馏分加氢 D.顺序分离流程 [单项选择]
A. 左心室 B. 左心房 C. 右心室 D. 右心房 E. 冠状窦 [多选题]工程监理单位在参与建设工程监理投标、承接建设工程监理任务时,应根据建设工程( ),选派称职的人员主持该项工作。
A.性质 B.进度 C.规模 D.设计 E.建设单位对建设工程监理的要求 [单项选择]
A. 系带缓冲不足 B. 基托边缘过长 C. 边缘伸展不足 D. 上颌义齿后颊侧基托太厚 E. 义齿磨光面抛光不够 [判断题]基站的门禁系统通常是一对磁铁开关,它属于遥测项目。()
[单项选择]下列各种产品成本计算方法,适用于大量大批的多步骤生产,且需要计算半成品成本的是( )。
A. 品种法 B. 分批法 C. 逐步结转分步法 D. 平行结转分步法 [多选题]情况紧急,需要当场实施强制传唤的,以下说法错误的有( )。
A.应当在8小时内向行政机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续 B.应当在24小时内向行政机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续 C.应当在返回行政机关后立即向负责人报告,并补办批准手续 D.应当在12小时内向行政机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续 [单项选择]