{{B}}Light Night, Dark
Stars{{/B}} Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night,with no clouds,moonlight,or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer (天文学家) with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR) in Boulder,Colo. But when people are surrounded by city lights,he says,they’re lucky to see 150 stars. If you’ve ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you’ve witessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates(照亮)the night sky. This haze(朦胧)of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at nig A. 150 stars B. hundreds of stars C. one thousand stars D. more than 14,000 stars [不定项选择题]与肺癌发病有关的是( )。
A.联苯胺 B.氯甲醚 C.苯 D.氯乙烯 E.一氧化碳 [单项选择]China's Internet users had reached () by the end of June.
A. 68 million B. 8.9 million C. 10 million D. 1.5 million [多选题]异常信息是反映设备运行异常情况的报警信息和影响设备遥控操作的信息,主要包括( )
A.一次设备异常告警信息 B.二次设备、回路异常告警信息 C.自动化、通讯设备异常告警信息 D.开关异常变位信息 [单项选择]部署深化党和国家机构改革,要赋予()更多自主权,构建简约高效的基层管理体制,规范垂直管理体制和地方分级管理体制。
A. 中央以下 B. 省市两级机构 C. 市县两级机构 D. 省级及以下机构 [单项选择]
某女,45岁,素体虚弱,常出现大便溏薄,近日加重,症见大便稀薄,每日5~6次,腹痛隐隐喜按。进食减少,食则胀闷,自述进油腻食易致发作。面色萎黄,神疲乏力。舌质淡,苔白,脉细弱。 其治法为()A. 散寒化湿 B. 消食导滞 C. 健脾益气,化湿止泻 D. 温肾健脾,固涩止泻 E. 抑肝扶脾 [单项选择]下列哪种钢筋需进行反复冷弯试验( )。
A. 高强钢丝 B. 钢绞线 C. 细钢筋 D. 粗钢筋 [判断题]外汇指定银行应于办理资本金结汇业务次日,将资本金结汇情况通过国家外汇管理局直接投资外汇管理信息系统向企业所在地外汇局备案
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