The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the
three major Chinese traditional festivals, along with Spring Festival and the
Moon Festival. Of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the
Warring States Period. As the term suggests, dragon-boat is a boat caved like a
dragon. The origin of the dragon-boat race is related to Quyuan, a senior
official of Chu in the period of the Warring States. He hated the crafty
sycophants in the important positions. At last, he was squeezed out by them and
exiled. He threw himself into a river on the fifth of the fifth lunar month in
278 BC. The local people organized spontaneously to rescue him by rowing boat.
However A. carefulness. B. patience. C. insistence. D. charm. [单选题]我国实行适度宽松的货币政策,降低存款利率不利于( )。
A.增加储蓄存款 B.刺激消费 C.扩大内需 D.拉动经济增长 [判断题]由于存在偏差具有积分作用的调节器就会出现积分饱和现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下不属于属于一般A类隐患的是?( )
A.可能直接造成一般B类事件的; B.需通过技术改造项目等措施完成整改,治理难度较大,整改周期较长的; C.需两个或以上处室协调,共同完成整改的。 D.需三个或以上处室协调,共同完成整改的。 [填空题]牵引变电所发生高压接地故障时,在切断电源之前,任何人与接地点的距离:室内不得小于<--NRC-->m。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述太阳房的定义以及它的分类?
A.为减少耐药性的发生,可使用硝酸甘油皮肤贴剂5mg qd,白天敷贴,晚上除去 B.如果患有闭角型青光眼,建议停用硝酸酯类药物 C.急性发作时,用药后需密切注意血压、心率、心律的变化 D.急性发作时,应嚼服硝酸甘油 E.如果头痛不耐受,建议改用尼可地尔 [单项选择]孕37周,突发持续性剧烈腹痛,伴少量阴道流血,贫血程度与外出血量不相符()
A. 先兆子宫破裂 B. 胎盘早剥 C. 前置胎盘 D. 羊水栓塞 E. 胎盘滞留 [填空题]专机飞行时,专机与专机.专机与其他民用航空器和军用运输机间专机的尾流间隔按民航局有关尾流间隔最低标准的( )执行。
[单选题]新建、改建线路时,集团公司应根据运输组织和铁路( )的需要,设置货检站。
A.行车安全 B.货运安全 C.装卸安全 D.人身安全 [单选题]对于涉及省内自建平台、主管项目,或涉及网络、支撑系统大规模改造的,由( )牵头依据公司固定资产投资项目相关管理办法规定,制定建设方案等相关工作。
A.计划部 B.网络部 C.信息技术部 D.市场部 出处页数:《中国移动通信集团陕西有限公司个人和家庭新业务产品管理办法》P16 [单项选择]肾岩好发年龄为:
A. 10~20 B. 20~30 C. 20~40 D. 40~60 E. 60岁以上 [单选题]Having lived in China for a long time, John could fully understand the cultural shocks experienced by his Chinese students. Which of the following traits does John have in this instance?
A. Avoidance.
B. Empathy. A. B.Extroversion. C. D.Introversion [判断题]班长无参加车间专项应急预案及现场应急处置方案的培训及应急演练;( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]梯子可短时间绑接使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]冬季夜间值班有人住宿的房屋,使用炉火取暖者,必须安有风斗,无风斗的房屋不准人员住宿。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]CT显示子宫颈癌向外后侵犯闭孔内肌和梨状肌,CT分期应属于()
A. ⅡA B. ⅡB C. ⅢA D. ⅢB E. Ⅳ [单项选择]年度市场检查总结撰写的要点不包括()。
A. 一般采取文档或表格形式 B. 详细总结本年度的工作措施 C. 认真分析工作中存在的问题 D. 对下一步工作作出简要安排 [单项选择]性味甘、辛、温的药是( )
A. 当归 B. 半夏 C. 生地黄 D. 金银花 E. 阿胶 [单项选择]However important we may regard school life to be, the fact cannot be denied that children spend more time at home than in the classrooms. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher. They can become strong allies of school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and thwart curricula objectives.
Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents apprised of the newer methods used in Schools. Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as reading readiness programs, manuscript writing, and developmental mathematics. Moreover, the classroom teacher, with the permission of the supervisors, can also play an important role in enlightening parents. The many interviews carried on during the year as well as new ways of reporting pupils’ progress, can significantly aid in achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home. To illustrate, suppose that a father has been drilling A. The teacher should keep in touch with parents. B. The teacher should tell parents their children’s shortcomings. C. The teacher should make a curricula objectives for parents. D. The teacher should make good friends with parents. [单选题]强酸、碱洗消器主动清洗技术可对( )硫酸等高浓度化学腐蚀剂的喷溅进行有效清洗。(中)4
A. 50% B. 60% C. 98% D. 97% 我来回答: 提交