We all have offensive breath at one
time of another. In most cases, offensive breath emanates from bacteria in the
mouth, although there are other more surprising causes. Until a few years ago, what the most doctors could do was to counsel patients with bad breath about oral cleanliness. Now they are finding new ways to treat the usually curable condition. Bad breath can happen whenever the normal flow of saliva slows. Our mouths are full of bacteria feeding on protein in bits of food and shed tissue. The bacteria emit evil-smelling gases, the worst of which is hydrogen sulfide. Mouth bacteria thrive in airless conditions. Oxygen-rich saliva keeps their numbers down. When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfide-producing bacteria gain the upper hand, producing classic "morning breath". Alcohol, hunger, l A. Toothache B. Sulfur-rich food. C. Mental strain. D. Too much exercise. [单项选择]关于CA安全认证体系的叙述中错误的是 ______。
A. CA安全认证中心负责所有实体证书的签名和分发 B. CA机构的数字签名使得攻击者不能伪造和篡改证书 C. CA安全认证中心以磁盘或智能IC卡的形式向用户发放证书 D. CA安全认证中心进行在线销售和在线谈判,处理用户的订单 [单项选择]白头翁汤主治病证为()
A. 湿热痢 B. 寒湿痢 C. 噤口痢 D. 疫毒痢 E. 阴虚痢 [单项选择]《药品说明书和标签管理规定》药品通用名称不得选用的中文字体是()
A. 宋体 B. 楷体 C. 篆书 D. 隶书 E. 仿宋 [单项选择]1,5,20,60,( )
A. 90 B. 150 C. 120 D. 180 [判断题]对于冗余配置的2台LEU,可以连接4台应答器,对于非冗余配置的2台LEU,可以连接8台应答器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]WD-320动力稳定车低速走行的传动方式是()。
A.液力传动 B.液压传动 C.机械传动 D.电传动 [单选题] "非权利性影响力的特征哪项说法是错误的
A.对他人的影响不带强制性因素,并无约束力。 B.以内在感染的形式潜在地发挥作用。 C.被影响者的心理与行为表现为主动随从、自觉服从。 D.对他人的影响带强制性的因素并无约束力。 " [单项选择]某胶印机橡皮滚筒的滚枕直径为175mm,筒体直径为171.5mm,则该机滚筒的包衬性质为()包衬。
A. 硬性; B. 中性偏软; C. 中性偏硬; D. 软性 [单项选择]建设项目业主对工程建设和管理具有较强的主动权和控制权,这属于( )的特点。
A. 业主方的自行项目管理 B. 业主方委托项目管理 C. 业主方与项目管理咨询单位合作 D. 业主方与政府合作 [判断题]通过真空指示器的显示状态可以判断干式滤芯是否需要进行更换。若指示器为红色表示应更换滤芯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]线路位置称号指上线、中线或下线和( )的左线或右线。
A.面向送点侧 B.面向受电侧 C.面向线路杆塔号增加方向 D.面向线路杆塔号减小方向 [判断题]—年6月1日起实施的《上海轨道交通行车组织规程》中规定,口头命令是向一个及以上受令对象以口头形式发布的有较长时效的指令,发至司机的口头命令由车站值班员或运转值班员送达司机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Recruiting(招募)the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task. 【31】 the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department. And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to 【32】 them.
The HR manager’’s first decision is 【33】 to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company. 【34】 applicants are easy to recruit by memo, e-mail, or newsletter. Furthermore, they are easy to assess and know the company well. 【35】 , they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company.
Recruiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy directly or 【36】 an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the 【37】 . Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but
A. A.at B.of C.over D.in [判断题]SJ-6000型试井车主要由动力选择箱、防振传动轴、绞车及绞车配套装置组成。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]数据统计分组时,习惯规定( )。
A.包括上限,不包括下限 B.不包括上限,包括下限 C.既不包括上限,也不包括下限 D.既包括上限,也包括下限 [单项选择]某市流行性乙型脑炎逐年病死率(从1949年到1995年)为48.9‰、43.1‰、27.3‰、21.5‰、20.0‰、18.2‰、12.7‰,据此资料画图,应选用
A. 直条图 B. 构成图 C. 直方图 D. 半对数线图 E. 普通线图 [单选题]故障、自然灾害处置后,由( )确定放行列车条件。
A.工长 B.车间主任 C.段调度 D.现场负责人 [单选题]甲组织他人偷渡,在带领偷渡人员通过边检时被工作人员怀疑,后甲暴力抗拒检查并将一名边检工作人员刺成重伤。下列说法正确的是()。
A.甲构成组织他人偷越国(边)境罪,从重处罚 B.甲构成妨害公务罪,从重处罚 C.甲构成故意伤害罪,从重处罚 D.甲同时构成故意伤害罪和组织他人偷越国(边)境罪,数罪并罚 [单项选择]A.铅B.钡C.铊D.苯E.TNT经皮肤和呼吸道进入人体
[填空题] The benefits to citizens of modern industrial society may have 【B1】 sometime in re cent decades, and increasingly, we are paying the 【B2】 of pollution of our own nest. In a (an) 【B3】 world, everyone would 【B4】 personal health, but at the same time would strive to 【B5】 planet health. Smart people realize that no personal benefits will 【B6】 long in a world that is 【B7】 and polluted.
The really sad part of our current predicament is that all the right ideas have been 【B8】 for decades and have been clearly expressed in many 【B9】 by a host of intelligent people. The right ideas 【B10】 unselfish and compassionate behavior. They include long term planning, conservation and a deep 【B11】 to preserving the natural world. Without a healthy natural environment, there will be few or no healthy humans.
I have been seeing more and more patients who want to 【B12】 from city life, air pollution, and chronic illnesses which they 【B13】 comes from polluted environments a
A. A.it B.they C.who D.that [单选题]低压电气带电工作应(),并保持对地绝缘。
A. 戴手套 B.戴护目眼镜 C.戴手套、护目眼镜 D.戴手套、穿防电弧服 [简答题]What is it that brings about such an intimate connection between language and thinking Is there no thinking without the use of language, namely in concepts and concept combinations for which words need not necessarily come to mind Has not every one of us struggled for words although the connection between "things" was already clear
(61) We might be inclined to attribute to the act of thinking complete independence from language if the individual formed or were able to form his concepts without the verbal guidance of his environment. Yet most likely the mental shape of an individual, growing up under such conditions, would be very poor. Thus we may conclude that the mental development of the individual and his way of forming concepts depend to a high degree upon language. This makes us realize to what extent the same language means the same mentality. In this sense thinking and language are linked together. What distinguishes the language of science from language [单选题]在带电作业过程中,值班调控人员或运维人员发现相关设备故障,应立即通知()。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作监护人 D.工作负责人 [判断题]电话记录号码由4位数字组成,前两位数字为车站或场段号(红山车辆段为19,瀍东停车场为20)后两位数字为记录顺序号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]莎士比亚早期创作的洋溢着乐观主义气氛的悲剧是()
A. 《奥瑟罗》 B. 《李尔王》 C. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 D. 《雅典的泰门》 [单选题]发生短路时,电路中的电流值比正常时的电流值()。
A.大很多倍 B.小 C.一样大 [单项选择]卡氏肺孢子菌主要的传播途径是()
A. 接触传播 B. 血液传播 C. 空气传播 D. 垂直传播 E. 性传播 [判断题]转动设备上所用的密封一般都是动密封。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]查发现血小板进行性下降,纤维蛋白原定量1.5g/L,血浆凝血酶原时间较对照延长5秒,3P实验阳性,出血原因初步诊断为()。
A. DIC B. 肝功能不全 C. 脾功能亢进 D. ITP E. 过敏性紫癜 [单选题]LTE的逻辑信道独立映射一种传输信道
A.A.)PC.C.H B.B.)D.C.C.H C.C.)B.C.C.H D.D.)C.C.C.H 我来回答: 提交