One day I was shopping with Mary when a group of white men found us. A tall man (21) up and asked me where I lived. Mary was so angry (22) she said, "That’s none of your business. If any of you dare to follow us, I’ll tell the police." The white men had to go (23) Then Mary warned me not to be in town (24) after dark. She told me that whenever I came (25) the white men who tried to stop me, I should walk right and (26) them as if I saw nothing.
Two weeks later Mary was found (27) in a pool of blood. Her death brought back memories of what she (28) told me. I couldn’t (29) it any longer. At that time my thoughts were no longer about school. What I wanted was to get the (30) to stand up and fight!
"The landscape seen from our windows is certainly
charming," said Annabel; "those cherty orchards and green meadows, and the river
winding along the valley, and the church tower peeping out among the elms, they
all make the most effective picture. There’s something dreadfully sleepy and
languorous about it, though ; stagnation seems to be the dominant note. Nothing
ever happens here; seedtime and harvest, an occasional outbreak of measles or a
mildly destructive thunderstorm, and a little election excitement about once in
five years, that is all that we have to modify the monotony of our existence.
Rather dreadful, isn A. His parents lived ninety miles away. B. He did well in tending Matilda’s livestock. C. He had planned to work as a cook in Matilda’s. D. He cooked a dish with cun-ies for the Bishop. [简答题]根据《车辆及交通安全管理标准》规定,对超长距离(大车350公里,小车500公里以上)长途用车有何规定?
A. 责任部门或岗位 B. 审批部门或岗位 C. 监督部门 D. 检查部门 [单项选择]分期付款提前还款时,已收取的分期付款手续费应()
A. 分期付款提前还款时,已收取的分期付款手续费不退回。 B. 分期付款提前还款时,已收取的分期付款手续费可以退回。 [单项选择]以碳酸氢钠与枸橼酸为崩解剂的片剂是()
A. 泡腾片 B. 分散片 C. 缓释片 D. 舌下片 E. 植入片 [单选题]谢某和赵某得知某公司经理杜某的儿子在外读书,即以杜某儿子的名义用手机向杜某发送虚假短信,称在外地钱包和手机都被偷,急需要500块钱购买车票等物品,杜某信以为真,并担心钱不够用,即按照谢某提供的账号汇去4000元钱。下列说法正确的是(
)。 A.谢某和赵某构成诈骗罪 B.谢某和赵某不构成犯罪 C.谢某和赵某构成信用卡诈骗罪 D.谢某和赵某属诈骗行为,但未达到追诉标准 [多项选择]自体输血适应证为()。
A. 体外循环 B. 肝叶切除术 C. 脾破裂出血 D. 宫外孕出血 E. 术后6小时内的引流血液 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力事故事件调查规程》(Q/CSG 210020-2014)第5.2.2条规定:事件分类。事件分为电力人身事件、 电力设备事件、 电力安全事件 3 类,依据事件后果严重程度从高到低排序,事件等级依次分为( )。
A.一级、二级、三级、四级和五级 B.一级、二级、三级、四级 C.五级、四级、三级、二级、一级 D.四级、三级、二级、一级 [填空题]GSM功率控制分为:()和()
[单项选择]板缝企口拼接法即龙凤榫接法,是将木板两侧面制成( )形的榫槽,使木板互相衔接起来,这种方法用于较宽的木板。
A. 间接 B. 斜粘 C. 凹凸 D. 直贴 [单选题]WINDOWS资源管理器中,反向选择若干文件的方法是____。(中)(基础知识)
A.CTRL+单击选定需要的文件 B.SHIFT+单击选定需要的文件,再单击反向选择 C.用鼠标直接单击选择 D.CTRL+单击选定不需要的文件,再单击编辑菜单中反向选择 [填空题]坚持把思想政治教育贯穿始终,认真落实“ ”要求,严格执行党员权利保障条例,切实做到为担当者担当、为负责者负责、为实干者撑腰、为被诬告者正名,惩治不为,激励作为。( )
[单选题]轧机通常采用( )。
A.扩展基础 B.联合基础 C.独立基础 D.桩基础 [单选题]成人毛细血管采血最常用的部位是
A.足跟 B.耳垂 C.脚趾 D.头皮 E.手指 我来回答: 提交