①指出这个关系模式的主码。 |
Historical developments of the past
half century and the invention of modem telecommunication and transportation
technologies have created a world economy. Effectively the American economy has
died and been replaced by a world economy. In the future there is no such thing as being an American manager. Even someone who spends an entire management career in Kansas City is in international management. He or she will compete with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms, sell to foreign films, or acquire financing from foreign banks. The globalization of the world’s capital m A. managers should master modern technology B. managers should have access to technological knowledge C. managers should focus on functional tasks D. managers should cooperate with technicians [多选题]现场催费需携带( )。
A.工作证件 B.抄表机 C.催费通知单 D.抄表异常告知单 [填空题]按照严重程度可把火灾分为以下三类:___死亡10人以上;重伤20人以上;受灾户50户损失财物100万以上。___死亡3人以上 ;重伤10人以上 ;受灾户30户损失财物30万以上。___ 不具备以上两种情况的即为一般火灾。
A. 自由电了是多数载流子 B. 在二极管中由N型半导体引出的线是二极管的阴极 C. 在纯净的硅晶体中三价元素硼,可形成N型半导体 D. 在PNP型晶体管中,基区是N型半导体 [单项选择]以下初生衣着的方法中,哪一项是正确的()。
A. 临产前将准备好的衣服放入箱内,加樟脑丸防虫蛀 B. 衣料要用质地挺括者 C. 衣服要宽松 D. 上衣用钮扣 E. 下衣用松紧带 [多选题]UDP协议的报头字段包括( )。
A.校验和 B.目的端口 C.源端口 D.长度 [单选题]职业病防治工作的方针 “ 预防为主 ” 是指?( )
A. 控制职业危害 B. 职业健康监护 C. 职业病诊断 D. 职业病病人治疗 [单选题] 带电作业工具应定期进行电气试验,其试验周期为:()。
A.预防性试验每年一次,检查性试验每年一次,两次试验间隔半年 B.预防性试验每年半次,检查性试验每年一次,两次试验间隔一年 C.预防性试验每年半次,检查性试验每年半次,两次试验间隔半年 D.预防性试验每年一次,检查性试验每年半次,两次试验间隔一年 [单选题]通电试验过程中,试验和监护人员不得擅自离开。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]功效为“发汗解表,温中止呕,温肺止咳”的药物是( )
A. 生姜 B. 炮姜 C. 干姜 D. 高良姜 E. 生姜皮 [单项选择]
In the traditional (传统的) marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other places away from the home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills (账). The money was used for food, clothes, the house, and other family needs. The man made most of the decisions. He was the boss. In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked meals, cleaned the house, washed the clothes, and did other housework. Her job at home was very important. [单选题]项目负责人接到事故报告后,应迅速采取有效措施,积极组织救护、抢险,减少人员伤亡和财产损失,防止事故继续扩大,并立即报告____________或上级应急指挥部中心。( )
A.家里人 B.同学 C. 同事 D. 安全生产主管部门 [名词解释]商标的续展
[多选题]用火作业前,( )应会同( )针对现场和作业过程中可能存在的危害因素运用工作危害分析(JSA分析)等方法进行风险分析,制定相应的作业程序及安全措施。
A.作业单位 B.安全管理人员 C.施工单位 D.施工人员 E.主管领导 [多选题]实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的新要求强调增强发展协调性,在( )的基础上, 实现人均国内生产总值到2020年比2000年翻两番。
A.优化结构 B.提高效益 C.降低消耗 D.保护环境 [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. He’s unwilling to be immunized. B. He is exposed to viruses in the crowd C. He forgets to take his medicine. D. He doesn’t dress warmly enough. [多项选择]王检察官在市检察院任职,今年他的哥哥的儿子从国外留学回来,并有幸进入市检察院工作,那么他们俩不得同时担任下列职务:
A. 同一人民检察院的检察长、副检察长、检察委员会委员 B. 同一人民检察院的检察长、副检察长和检察员、助理检察员 C. 同一业务部门的检察员、助理检察员 D. 上下相邻两级人民检察院的检察长、副检察长 [判断题]旅客人身伤害事故按程度分为:轻伤事故、重伤事故、伤亡事故、事故苗子。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]06ZG003277.用万用表测量直流电压时,被测电压的高电位端必须与万用表的公共端端钮连接( )。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交