When an invention is made, the inventor has three possible courses of action open to him; he can give the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea secret, or patent it. (46) Secrecy obviously evaporates once the invention is sold or used, and there is always the risk that in the meantime another inventor, working quite independently, will make and patent the same discovery. (47) A granted patent is the result of a bargain struck between an inventor and the state, by means of which inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates.
Once the monopoly period comes to an end, all those details of the invention pass into the public domain. Only in the most exceptional circumstances is the life-span of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events. (48) The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi; his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry
These is a new type of advertisement becoming
increasingly common in newspaper {{U}} (21) {{/U}} columns. It is
sometimes placed among "situations vacant", although it doesn’t offer anyone
job, and sometimes it appears "situations wanted", although it is not placed by
someone looking for a job either. What it does is to offer help {{U}} (22)
{{/U}} applying for a job. " {{U}} (23) {{/U}} us before writing your
application", or "Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum
vitae(工作简历) or job history", is how it is usually expressed. The growth and
apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on
the current high levels of unemployme A. A.aggressing B.aggression C.aggressive D.aggressed [单项选择]按照对网点营销组织的组建及职能的相关规定,在基层网点客户经理的组织架构中,基层网点客户经理职级的五个层级,不包括()。
A. 网点负责人 B. 大堂经理 C. 客户经理主管 D. 高级客户经理 E. 客户经理 [多项选择]对项目负责人的考核一般是通过()等方面进行的。
A. 工作业绩 B. 业务能力 C. 服从意识 D. 真诚意识 E. 综合素质 [多选题]依据《电气操作导则》(Q/CSG 125008—2016)4.3规定:下列关于单相隔离开关和跌落式熔断器的操作顺序正确的是( )。
A.三相水平排列者,停电时应先拉开中相,后拉开边相;送电操作顺序相反。 B.三相水平排列者,送电时应先拉开中相,后拉开边相;送电操作顺序相反。 C.三相垂直排列者,停电时应从上到下拉开各相;送电操作顺序相反。 D.三相垂直排列者,送电时应从上到下拉开各相;送电操作顺序相反。 [填空题]组织在实现目标的过程中最重要的是()
A. 阳胜则阴病 B. 阳病治阴 C. 阴损及阳 D. 重阴必阳 E. 阴虚则阳亢 [判断题] ( )根据阀杆的位置,闸阀也分成明杆闸阀和暗杆闸阀。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交