Faith in medicine runs deep in America.
We spend more per person on health care than any other nation. Whether we eat
too much or exercise too little, whether we’re turning gray or feeling blue, we
look to some pill or procedure to make us better. We assume that devoting ever more dollars to medicine will bring us longer, healthier lives. But there is mounting evidence that each new dollar we devote to the current health care system brings small and diminishing returns to public health. Today the United States spends more than $4 500 per person per year on health care. Costa Rica spends less than $ 300. Yet life expectancy at birth is nearly identical in both countries. Despite the highly publicized" longevity revolution," life expectancy among the elderly in the United States is hardly improving. Yes, we are an aging socie A. medicine should be taken timely before it is too late B. it is reasonable to question the effectiveness of medicine C. poor health conditions leave little room for medicine to work D. great efforts should be made to develop new types of medicine [判断题]检修后评价应在工作结束后1周内完成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]汽车一级维护的周期是依据下列哪一项确定的()。
A. 行驶里程 B. 使用时间 C. 具体情况 D. 前两项中先达到者 [单选题]根据法律规定,社区居民委员会成员 ( ) 。
A.只能一届 B.任期最多两届 C.任期最多三届 D.可以连选连任 [多选题]( )级单位逐季逐级对安全风险预警发布、措施落实、实际效果等进行统计、分析和评估。
A.总部 B.分部 C.省公司 D.地市(县)公司 [多选题]在(____)电网,必须在线路两侧加装断路器和保护装置,以便在线路故障时,两侧断路器可以跳闸切除故障。
A. 两侧供电辐射形电网 B. 单电源环形电网 C. 单电源T接放射形电网 D. 双电源环形电网 [单项选择]某人误食某种物质1小时候后,出现头晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐、多汗、胸闷、视力模糊、无力、肌震颤、瞳孔缩小、呼吸困难、意识模糊、呼出气体有大蒜样恶臭,该人可能是()。
A. 有机磷农药中毒 B. 有机氯农药中毒 C. 亚硝酸盐中毒 D. 含砷杀虫剂中毒 E. 毒蕈中毒 [多项选择]卵巢周期中出现周期性变化的器官有()
A. 子宫 B. 输卵管 C. 宫颈 D. 阴道上皮细胞 E. 外阴 [单项选择]在银行为国际贸易提供的支付结算方式中,通常采用( )。
A. 本票、汇款、信用证 B. 本票、信用证、托收 C. 汇款、信用证、托收 D. 汇票、信用证、支票 [判断题]( )B737 型飞机应急撤离开启舱门前,应首先确认滑梯杆固定在地板支架上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业人员上、下作业平台应征得( )的同意。
A.工作领导人 B.作业平台操作负责人 C. 作业车司机 D.工长 [判断题]线路光纤差动保护以两侧电流的相量差作为继电器的动作电流,该电流也可以称作差动电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,7岁,1个月来不规则发热,面色逐渐苍白。Hb80g/L,Coombs试验阳性,可排除的诊断是()
A. 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 B. 霍奇金病 C. 系统性红斑狼疮 D. 再生障碍性贫血 E. 药物性溶血性贫血 [填空题]阅读程序:
main( ) char strl[]="how do you do",str2[10]; char * p1=strl,* p2=str2; scanf("%s”,p2); printf("%s”,p2); printf("%s/n",p1); 运行上面的程序,输入字符串HOW DO YOU DO 则程序的输出结果是 【15】 。 [名词解释]比特税
A.支架立杆2m高度的垂直偏差控制在25mm B.搭设完成应经验收挂牌后使用。分段搭设的脚手架应在各段完成后,以段为单位验收挂牌后使用 C.每个脚手架架体,必须按规定设置两点防雷接地设施 D.专人监测满堂支撑架搭设过程中,架体位移和变形情况 E.连墙件偏离主节点的距离不应大于300mm。必须采用刚性连墙件。三步三跨或40m2范围内必须设置一个连墙件 F.略 [判断题]消防员晋升消防救援衔严格依据编制、计划、条件和程序组织实施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]物流运动的场所价值的具体形式有()。
A. 从集中生产场所流入分散需求场所 B. 从零售场所流入生产场所 C. 从消费场所流入生产场所 D. 从分散生产场所流入集中需求场所 E. 从甲地生产场所流入乙地需求场所 [单项选择]用电压表测量晶体三极管的集电极电流的方法为()。
A. 直接测量法 B. 间接测量法 C. 比较测量法 [单项选择]Geography is study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast (31) places on the earth. But they also (32) beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a (33) The word geography (34) from two Greek words, go, the Greek word for "earth" and graphic, (35) means" to write". The English word (36) means" to describe the earth". Some geography books focus (37) a small area (38) a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an (39) continent. Many geography books deal (40) the whole earth. Another (41) to divide the study of geography is to (42) between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; (43) starts with human beings and (44) how human beings and their environment act (45) each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, (46) branch can neglect the
A.病历:病人 B.邮件:邮局 C.火灾:消防车 D.罚单:交警 [单项选择]嵌入式CPU主要应用于()
A. 笔记本电脑 B. 移动电话 C. 汽车空调 D. 高端服务器 我来回答: 提交