A finding in recent years shows that
men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. This makes surgery
riskier for men. Because they do not breathe as often as women, men also need
more oxygen. But men breathe more deeply and this exposes them to another risk.
They draw more of the air when it is polluted. Men’s bones are larger than women’s and they are arranged somewhat differently. The feminine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structure. A man has broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis, which makes him stride out with no waste motion. A woman’s wider pelvis, designed for childbearing, forces her to put more movement into each step she takes with the result that she displays a bit of jiggle and sway as she walks. If you think a man is brave because he can climb a ladder to clean A. the male have larger bones than the female. B. women can manufacture blood more efficiently than men. C. men usually breathe more deeply than women. D. women breathe as often as men. [不定项选择题]散在湿性啰音,伴有哮鸣音,呼气相延长?
A.支气管哮喘 B.支气管扩张 C.慢性支气管炎、肺气肿 D.支气管肺癌 E.特发性肺间质纤维化 [单项选择]物业服务企业类型中,()是具有策略性物业管理能力的企业,它受业主委托对物业经营管理绩效承担综合责任,在物业管理活动中处在总包的位置。
A. 管理型物业服务企业 B. 专业型物业服务企业 C. 综合型物业服务企业 D. 混合型物业服务企业 [多项选择]在职业活动中,为牢固树立节约意识,坚守节约的职业道德规范,应努力做到()。
A. 爱护公物 B. 节约资源 C. 艰苦奋斗 D. 限制消费 [单选题]1.在( )时间内电流所做的功叫做电功率。P8T40
A.规定 B.标称 C.单位 [判断题]飞行中发生过飞行事故征候且承担主要/直接责任的机组成员,24个月内不能搭配( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在电气化铁路线路上爆破作业有碍接触网及行车安全时,应先停电后作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][T]A-B-A-001 3 2 3
S700K型电动转辙机因故不能转换到位时,转辙机工作电流不大于()。 A.2A B.3A C.4A D.5A [多选题]除遗产继承等特殊情况外,以下理财业务允许代办的有?
A.理财产品持有证明出具 B.理财份额转让 C.理财存款证明出具 D.理财交易撤单 我来回答: 提交