There is a great deal of controversy within the
medical profession regarding the use and value of the coronary bypass procedure,
and for more than eight years the American Heart Association has discussed the
question at its regular scientific sessions. The bypass operation consists of open heart surgery in which the physician takes a vein from the patient’s leg and implants it near the heart to construct a passage around the blockage in a clogged artery so that blood can flow freely by. The operation performed on about 100,000 persons a year in the US and costs approximately $10,000. The procedure is designed to relieve tie pain of angina pectoris which occurs when the blood supply’s obstructed and also to allow the patient more freedom of sustained activity. In persons with advanced heart disease and blockage in severa A. by a skilled surgeon B. in a hospital with good facilities C. while the patient is not suffering from other serious illnesses D. when the patient is in very poor health condition [名词解释]现实主义文学
[简答题] 已知或预测含有硫化氢陆上探井井场应至少按在岗人数______配备正压空气呼吸器,另配20%备用气瓶。(出自SY/T 6277-2017)
A. 是指现存体液渗透压的改变 B. 常以血清钠浓度来表示细胞外液渗透压 C. 婴儿腹泻以等渗性脱水最常见 D. 低渗性脱水可引起脑血管扩张充血 E. 等渗性脱水细胞内液量无明显变化 [判断题]定期存款存期内按存款约定利率计息,提前支取或逾期支取的部分按支取日的活期挂牌利率计息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]内螺纹的画法规定大径(牙底)用( )表示。
A.粗实线 B.细实线 C.虚线 D.直线 [判断题]抢救异物哽塞的婴儿时,可挤压其上腹部。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]档案编目的实质是把档案信息资源整理的成果()。
[填空题]系统分析员是信息系统的分析和设计者,又是系统实施的 ______ 和领导者。
[单选题]"()煤气主要成份:CO 50~80%,CO2 8~18%,H2 1.0~2.0%,O2 1~1.5%。
A.发生炉煤气 B.焦炉煤气 C.高炉煤气 D.转炉煤气" [判断题]儿童个体发展是指在其成长过程中,伴随着生理不断成熟的过程。( )
A. 100 B. 150 C. 200 D. 300 [填空题]Even though she crippled by polio as a child, Wilma Rudolph won gold medals in the track and field events of the 1960 Rome Olympics().
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