Part of instructions for SIM card of mobile phone
A) The validity of the SIM Card stops after three months when your account is exhausted.
B) Please keep the purchase receipt.
C) We shall not take the responsibility for any call charge-related losses that the customer suffers due to the loss of the SIM Card.
D) Please keep your SIM card in an appropriate place by avoiding great heat and humidity.
E) Please check if the package of the cards is intact(未受损的) before you pay for them.
F) Once the cards are sold, they will not be replaced.
G) The customer shall be responsible for any losses because of improper use of the cards.
H) please ask the dealer of the SIM card for the instructions on the card and read them care- fully before you use it.
The table before which we sit may be, as the
scientist maintains, composed of dancing atoms, but it does not reveal itself to
us as anything of the kind, and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and
motionless object that we live. So remote is this "real" table--and most of the other "realities" with which science deals--that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value, and though it may receive out purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led, in contradistinction to life as we attempt to think about it. Vibrations in the either are so totally unlike A. scientific reality B. a phenomenon we can directly experience C. reality colored by emotion D. a symbolic existence [单项选择]抗甲状腺药物因白细胞减少而停药,因此在治疗时白细胞总数不能低于()
A. 2.0×109/L B. 2.5×109/L C. 3.0×109/L D. 3.5×109/L E. 4.0×109/L [单选题]多长时间检查一次高压线束或者插接件松动
A.10000公里或6个月 B.20000公里或12个月 C.40000公里或2年 D.每个保养周期都要检查 [判断题]除铁道总公司另有规定外,不得改变原结构、材质和形状,装用的配件须与设计规定一致,在不改变原结构性能的前提下可用新型配件代替旧型配件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
It’s becoming something of a joke along the Maine-Canada border. So many busloads of retired people crisscross the line looking for affordable drugs that the roadside stands should advertise, "Lobsters. Blueberries. Lipitor. Coumalin. " Except, of course, that such a market in prescription drugs would be illegal. [单项选择]调整图层,它可以将颜色和色调的调整应用于图像,但是它()。
A. 不会改变原图像的像素 B. 会改变原图像的像素 C. 会对图像产生实质性的破坏 D. 不会改变原图像的像素,不会对图像产生实质性的破坏 [单选题]氰化氢是哪种毒剂?( )
A.神经性毒剂 B.糜烂性毒剂 C.全身中毒性毒剂 D.失能性毒剂 [单项选择]
Today, one of the major newspaper websites in America stated that free online news reading is approaching its end. The New York Times has turned into the biggest publisher yet to (26) plans for a payment of its digital products, (27) the accepted rule that people who use Internet will not need to pay for news. [多选题]根据《国网福建电力关于印发生产现场作业“十不干”分专业细化条款的通知》(闽电安监〔2018〕827号),下列属于变电运行现场作业“十不干”( )、( )、( )、( )。
A.危险点控制措施未落实的不干 B.电网风险防控措施未落实的不干 C.工作负责人(专责监护人)不在现场的不干 D.未在接地保护范围内的不干 E.单人巡视移开或越过遮栏的不干 [单选题]()是城市能源互联网的核心要素。
A.A、综合能源服务; B.、综合能效服务; C.、电力系统; D.、综合能源系统 [判断题]电源相(火)线可直接接入灯具,而开关可控制地线
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]—年1—6月游戏产业数据报告指出,中国游戏用户数量4亿人,同比增长9.5%。2014年1—6月,中国游戏市场(包括网络游戏市场、移动游戏市场、单机游戏市场等)实际销售收入达到496.2亿元,同比增长46.4%。中国游戏市场实际销售收入构成如下:客户端游戏市场实际销售收入255.7亿元,网页游戏市场实际销售收入91.8亿元,移动游戏市场实际销售收入125.2亿元,社交游戏市场实际销售收入23.4亿元,单机游戏市场实际销售收入0.1亿元。
A.截至2014年6月月底,中国区iOS移动游戏市场中,角色扮演类产品数量最多 B.2013年1—6月,中国客户端游戏市场占有率为34.3% C.2013年1—6月,中国网页游戏市场实际销售收入是移动游戏的2.1倍 D.2014年1—6月,中国客户端游戏用户数量同比增长量大于网页游戏用户 [单项选择]社会工作者在接案过程中可以通过向服务对象直接询问的方式来收集资料。下列属于直接询问的方式是()。
A. 问卷 B. 观察 C. 咨询 D. 角色扮演 [单选题]信号设备联锁关系的临时变更或停止使用,须经( )批准。[933000000]
A.铁道部 B.铁路局 C.电务段 D.调度所 [简答题]张某与李某发生口角,李某动手打伤张某。张某请求县公安局对李某予以处理。县公安局根据《治安管理处罚条例》的规定,裁决给予李某警告和罚款250元的处罚。李某对县公安局的处罚裁决不服,认为处罚过重,向地区公安处提起申诉,地区公安处经审查,裁决维持县公安局的裁决。李某不服向县人民法院提起行政诉讼。法院审理后,认为《治安管理处罚条例》中规定公安机关的罚款权限为1——200元,县公安局的处罚行为属于超越职权。法院对该案应当如何判决?
A.D-核糖 B.D-2-脱氧核糖 C.鸟嘌呤 D.尿嘧啶 我来回答: 提交