You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old. I’m in my middle fifties and I don’t feel old yet. However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and (21) things to the way life is for (22) kids. Some things have certainly changed.
One area of change is television. Some changes have been improvements. Some changes, on the other hand, have been (23) .
When I started school, most people didn’t have a television; TV was just beginning to get (24) . My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set, I still remember watching the Lone Ranger save people from the (25) guys on that awesome electronic machine. That was exciting!
Now, (26) have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are clearer and the sound is much more realistic. The new high definition sets are made to rival (27) screens.
The variety and quantity of programming hasA. loss
B. increased
C. decreased
D. played
Has your child cracked a book this
summer Although adults often jump at the chance to catch up on their reading during vacations, many children and teenagers, particularly those from low-income families, read few, if any, books during the summer break from school. But the price for keeping the books closed is a high one. Several studies have documented a "summer slide" in reading skills once school lets out each spring. The decline in reading and spelling skills are greatest among l A. they come from low-income families B. the books are offered to them for free C. they are allowed to select their own books D. they read much and perform well in tests [单选题]电子雷管起爆系统一般由电子雷管、()和起爆器三部分组成。
A.编码器 B.导爆管 C.继爆管 D.转发器 [单选题]小儿,2岁,出生时接种过卡介苗,作PPD5个单位,硬结16mm持续7d后留有色素,其最大可能是
A.种卡介苗反应 B.有过结核感染 C.分枝杆菌交叉感染变态反应 D.无结核感染 E.活动性结核病 [多选题] 下列哪些费用包含在号码优享业务保底消费中?( )(标准分:2.0)
A.七彩铃音 B.5G视频彩铃业务 C.短信包 D.5G通信服务包 [判断题]生化设备、生化试剂、免疫发光试剂、基因检测试剂用于诊断人体相关的临床生化指标。
[单选题]磨床的综合导规发生不均匀磨损,将使磨削工件产生( )误差。
A.圆度 B.直线度 C.同轴度 D.圆柱度 [多选题]根据交换机处理VLAN数据帧的方式不同,华为以太网交换机的端口类型分为( )
A.access端口 B.trunk端口 C.镜像端口 D.hybrid 端口 E.monitor 端口 [多选题]我国开始实施第一个五年计划的国内经济条件有( )。
A.国家财政经济明显好转 B.社会主义改造基本完成 C.《朝鲜停战协定》签订 D.工农业生产超过历史最高水平 [多选题]在低压用电设备上停电工作前,应(),确保不误合。
A.断开电源 B.取下熔丝 C.加锁或悬挂标示牌 D.装设接地线 E.略 F.略 [判断题]当路基填筑为土石混填,且石料含量大于或等于 70%时,检查其压实度不
宜用环刀法,也不宜用灌砂法,可以用压实遍数控制。() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]4.205.
单套配置保护的电压切换箱(回路)隔离开关辅助触点()采用双位置输入方式。 A.应 B.宜 C.不宜 D.不应 [多选题]锅炉结构从经济方面要求,在运行中要合理配置( )和( ),使燃料和风量随着燃烧工况的变化保持相应的比例。
A.炉排减速机 B.鼓风机 C.出渣机 D.引风机 [单项选择]FACILITATE:
A. (A) grip B. (B) secrete C. (C) sanctify D. (D) impede E. (E) hurdle 我来回答: 提交