It has often been said by people
involved in language teaching that a student who really wants to learn will
succeed in whatever the circumstances are under which he studies. It is
certainly true that students do learn in unfavorable conditions and it is also
true that students often succeed in using methods that experts have considered
unsatisfactory. All teachers can think of some students who are significantly
better than their peers and it seems reasonable to suggest that the motivation
of the student is perhaps the sin A. The way of teaching B. Types of goals C. Motivations D. Language learning [单选题]从正面发出的声音,两只耳朵听起来是:( )
A. 左耳声大 B. 右耳声大 C.一样大 [单选题]曳引电梯运行速度检验,在额定条件下,电梯的速度应不大于额定速度的( )%,不小于额定速度的( )%。
A.102;90 B.102;92 C.105;95 D.105;92 [单选题]下列哪一种是急性扁桃体炎的主要并发症
A. 扁桃体周围脓肿 B. 急性喉炎 C. 心肌炎 D. 关节炎 E. 咽旁脓肿 [单选题]救护队处理采掘工作面煤与瓦斯突出事故救人时应( )
A. 2个小队分别从进回风侧进入事故地点救人 B. 1个小队待机,1个小队从进风侧进入事故地点救人 C. 1个小队待机, 1个小队从回风侧进入事故地点救人 [单项选择]在我国商业银行非现场监管的指标中,利率缺口比率的计算公式为( )。
A. 利率缺口比率=某时段内利率敏感性累积缺口×利率变动幅度÷总利息收入 B. 利率缺口比率=某时段内利率敏感性累积缺口×利率变动幅度÷净利息收入 C. 利率缺口比率=某时段内利率敏感性累积缺口÷总利息收入 D. 利率缺口比率=某时段内利率敏感性累积缺口÷净利息收入 [单选题]符合法律、法规规定条件的,可以要求安排生育第几个子女( )。
A.一个 B.二个 C.三个 D.四个 E.多个 [填空题]公司燃油母管压力为()。
A. 10天内 B. 15天内 C. 30天内 D. 45天内 E. 60天内 [填空题]水田防治阔叶草的磺酰脲类除草剂()、()。
A. A.电压等级 B.B.开关设备标识 C.C.变压器标识 D.D.双电源 E.E.杆号牌 [判断题]取保候审变更为监视居住的,不需解除取保候审。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三极管的种类很多,按管芯所用材料分有
A.小功率管和大功率管; B.低频管和高频管; C.放大管和开关管; D.硅管和锗管 [简答题]允许速度不大于160km/h区段钢轨顶面上有长度大于( )且深度大于10mm的掉块时,判定为钢轨折断。
A. 静滴 B. 注射 C. 外治 D. 气雾剂吸入 E. 选择其他最佳给药途径 [多选题]下列关于自然人刑事责任从轻或减轻的表述中,不正确的有( )。
A.已满14周岁不满18周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或减轻处罚 B.已满75周岁的人故意犯罪的,应当从轻或者减轻处罚 C.已满75周岁的人过失犯罪的,可以从轻或者减轻处罚 D.尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人犯罪的,可以从轻或者减轻处罚 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Face Masks May Not Protect from Super-flu
1 If a super-flu strikes,face masks may not protect you.Whether widespread use of masks will help,or harm,during the next worldwide flu outbreak is a question that researchers are studying furiously.No results have come from their mask research yet.However,the government says people should consider wearing them in certain situations anyway,just in case. 2 But it's a question the public keeps asking while the governments are making preparations for the next flu pandemic. So the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) came up with(提出)prelimi- nary guidelines(初步指导方针)." We don ' t want people wearing them everywhere , " said the CD C. " The overall recommendation really is to avoid exposure." 3 When that's not possible,the guidelines say to consider wearing a simple surgical mask if you are in one of the three following situations.First,you're healthy and can't avoid going to a crowded place.Second, you're sick and think you may have close contact with the healthy,such as a family member checking on you.Third,you live with someone who's sick and thus might be in the early stages of infection,but still need to go out. 4 Influenza pandemic can strike when the easy-to-mutate flu virus shifts to a strain that people never have experienced.Scientists cannot predict when the next pandemic will arrive,although concern is rising that the Asian bird flu might trigger one if it starts spreading easily from person to person. 5 During the flu pandemic,you should protect yourself. Avoid crowds,and avoid close contact with the sick unless you must care for someone.Why aren't masks added to this self-protection list?Because they can help trap virus-laden(含有病毒的、充满细菌的)droplets flying through the air with a cough or sneeze. Simple surgical masks only filter the larger droplets.Besides,the CDC is afraid masks may create a false sense of security.Perhaps someone who should have stayed home would don an ill-fitting mask and hop on the subway instead. 6 Nor does flu only spread through the air. Say someone covers a sneeze with his or her hand,then tou- ches a doorknob or subway pole.If you touch that spot next and then put germy hands on your nose or mouth,you've been exposed.It's harder to rub your nose while wearing a mask and so your face may get pretty sweaty under masks.You reach under to wipe that sweat,and may transfer germs caught on the outside of the mask straight to the nose.These are the problems face masks may create for their users. 7 Whether people should or should not use face masks still remains a question.The general public has to wait patiently for the results of the mask research scientists are still doing. We can infer from the passage that the US authorities_______________. A.overuse face masks with the mask problem seriously C.rub their faces and noses in the subway D.protest against the mask guidelines protect people from being attacked by a flu F.announce the results of their mask research [单选题]组建仪式中,如安排致辞,在授旗领导讲话之( )进行。
A.前 B.后 [多项选择]正常生产时,四通阀与()相连的接口中有介质流动。
A. 焦炭塔底进料线 B. 焦炭塔开工线 C. 加热炉辐射出口线 D. 烧焦线 [单项选择]只要是高中毕业生,就不可能不想考上一所重点大学,并且选择一个自己心仪的专业。如果以上陈述为真,则以下哪项必假?
A. 所有的高中毕业生都想考上重点大学并选择自己心仪的专业 B. 有的高中毕业生只想选择自己喜欢的重点大学 C. 小王是某重点高中的毕业生,但是他只想报一所重点大学 D. 小王是某重点高中的毕业生,但是他只想上一所高职学校 E. 任何一名高中生都想上重点大学的重点专业 [填空题]FDDI标准规定了一个数据速率为100Mb/s,采用()编码方案的光纤环型网,它采用的波长为1300nm。
[多项选择]设备在安装前应进行清洗,对形状复杂、污垢黏附严重的装配件,宜采用的方法有( )。
A. 喷灯火烧 B. 溶剂油喷洗 C. 蒸汽喷洗 D. 三氯乙烯喷洗 [单选题]下列4组数应依次为二进制、八进制和十六进制,符合这个要求的是____。
A.11,78,19 B.12,77,10 C.12,80,10 D.11,77,19 [单选题]总书记指出:“______是社会主义文艺的灵魂。” ·
A.时代精神 B.中国精神 C.爱国主义 D.为人民服务 [多选题]关于高压试验装置,以下说法正确的是______。
A.试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地 B.高压引线应尽量缩短,并采用专用的高压试验线,必要时用绝缘物支持牢固 C.试验装置的电源开关,应使用明显断开的双极刀闸。为了防止误合刀闸,可在刀刃或刀座上加绝缘罩 D.试验装置的低压回路中应有两个并联电源开关,并加装过载自动跳闸装置 我来回答: 提交