Computer monitoring is most often
intended to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace, but with good
intentions comes the opportunity for abuse by employers and employees alike.
Computer Monitoring in the 21st Century written by a futurist is an exceptional
observation as to what the future may hold for those people choosing to enter
the technological field such as industry, commerce, medicine and
science. As computer monitoring increases, there comes a concern for the types of effects it may have in the workplace. The article says: "By the end of the decade, as many as 30 million people may constantly be monitored in their jobs." As computer systems become so sophisticated, this number will drastically increase. As we enter this new age of technology, we must remember that with more power comes more responsibility b A. the airline agents are generally under pressure of work B. the airline agents are lazy people C. the airline agents must be forced to work hard D. all the employees will not find it unbearable to be monitored by the computer [单项选择]根据《药品生产质量管理规范》,药品生产企业中负责决定物料、中间产品的使用的部门是
A. 供应管理部门 B. 生产管理部门 C. 质量管理部门 D. 销售管理部门 E. 技术管理部门 [判断题]EDAS提供HSF服务数据推送订阅的组件是Diamond-Server
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]奥美拉唑的作用是
A.中和胃酸 B.抑制胃酸和胃蛋白酶分泌 C.阻断胃泌素受体 D.促进黏液合成,起黏膜保护作用 E.加速食管和胃排空 [简答题]动车组出库质量联检中检修工长职责有哪些?
A.国家或社会的基本职能和义务 B.社会个人和团体的援助 C.慈善事业的一种 D.社会保险的核心 [不定项选择题]应急预案分为()。
A.综合应急预案 B.专项应急预案 C.各中心应急预案 D.现场处置方案 E.以上都对 [单选题]给客舱里里的发光条充电时,客舱顶灯和侧壁灯要全部开到最亮,且发光条不能被覆盖或遮
蔽 A.正确 B.错误 C.对客舱灯光无亮度要求 [单项选择]在8237A用于存储器到存储器的数据传送时,使用( )。
A. 通道0的现行地址寄存器指示源地址,现行字计数寄存器对传送的字节数计数,通道1指示目的地址 B. 通道1的现行地址寄存器指示目的地址,现行字节计数寄存器对传送的字节数计数,通道0用于指示源地址 C. 通道2用于指示源地址,通道3的现行地址寄存器指示目的地址,现行字节计数寄存器对传送的字节数计数 D. 通道2的现行地址寄存器指示源地址,现行字节计数寄存器对传送的字书数计数,通道3用于指示目的地址 [多选题]持卡人需注销借记卡时,应该( )。
A.持有效身份证件 B.向发卡机构提出书面申请 C. 结清余额 D.剪角后可由持卡人自行保管卡 我来回答: 提交