If you feel tired all the time, you
don’t necessarily need to go to bed earlier. The solution could be as simple as
taking a five-minute afternoon nap. Children under five have an abundance of
energy and one of the reasons is because they nap once or twice a day. Many
sleep experts think we are programmed to take a nap during the day, and getting
back into this habit can be a solution for those who feel tired all the time.
Professor Criss Ezekosky of the Sleep Advisory and Assessment Center thinks that
one can feel refreshed after just five minutes; sleep and research has shown
that concentration and attention are improved after even a short nap. Sleep is
genetically programmed in babies and it’s only as we get older that we learn to
sleep about 8 hours at night and not at all during the day. But most research A. its genes. B. its habit. C. its mental state. D. its physical condition. [单选题]FIDIC 施工合同条件的基本思路,是建立合同履行过程中以( )为核心的项目管理模式。
A.工程师 B.业主 C.承包商 D.裁决委员会 [多选题]关于水痘,下列说法哪项正确( )
A.水痘是一种传染性非常强的出疹性传染病 B.与带状疱疹为同一病毒感染所致 C.皮肤和黏膜相继出现斑丘疹,水疱疹和结痂同时存在 D.皮疹呈向心性分布 E.感染水痘后一般无永久免疫力 [填空题]LZA23140 风电场的巡视检查包括( )。
[多选题] 电动机空载运行正常,加负载后转速降低或停转是什么原因( )[1.0分]
A. 将三角形接线误接成星型接线 B. 电压过低 C. 转子铝(铜)条脱焊或断开 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]企事业单位进行技术转让,以及在技术转让过程中发生的与技术转让有关的技术咨询、技术服务、技术培训的所得年净收入在( )万元以下的,暂免征收所得税。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 [单项选择]拌和站必须自备(),每天开盘前操控人员对计量系统进行校验,做好校验记录,确认误差符合标准方可开机。
A. 砝码; B. 一定质量的物体; C. 标准砝码; D. 称量器具. [单项选择]关于合同,下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 合同是当事人之间的合意 B. 合同对当事人具有拘束力 C. 合同是平等主体间所实施的民事法律行为 D. 合同不以发生一定民事后果为目的 [填空题]热水锅炉零件(非通用零件)
A. 浇筑前,首先要划分施工层和施工段 B. 浇筑柱子时,同一施工段内的每排柱子应由外向内对称地顺序浇筑 C. 梁和板一般同时浇筑,从一端开始向前推进 D. 一般分为全面分层、分段分层和斜面分层 [单项选择] 阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。