Forty years ago no one was concerned
about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were
being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers
were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of
the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends Continued
people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future. People
just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns
were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others,
not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect
it. During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available--personal appearances, t A. the computer is as smart as human beings B. the computer is friendly with human beings C. human beings can interact with the computer and do what they want at their will D. human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage [单选题]在汽车行驶中,不宜采用发动机牵阻作用来制动的情况是( )。
A.冰雪路面 B.潮湿路面 C.紧急制动 D.下坡行驶 [单选题]下列关于违约责任的说法,错误的是()。
A.违约责任的承担方式可以是损害赔偿 B.履行不能、拒绝履行、履行延迟和不当履行,都属于违约 C.只要存在违约行为,违约方就必然会承担违约责任 D.基于合同自由原则,当事人可以选择在合同中约定违约责任的承担方式 [单选题]维持市场平稳健康发展,防止股市泡沫,是政府宏观调控的主要任务之一。当股市增长过快时,政府可采取的调节措施是()。①降低银行存贷款利率②降低利息税③上调股票交易印花税④扩大基金发行规模
A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④ [判断题]采用旁路作业方式进行电缆线路不停电作业前,应确认两侧备用间隔断路器(开关)及旁路断路器(开关)均在合闸状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()具有“满而不能实”生理特点;()具有“实而不能满”生理特点。
[单选题]在夏季,临时设施室内空调温度设置不得低于26摄氏度,冬季室内空调温度设置不得高于20摄氏度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]应用破伤风类毒素可使人获得自动免疫达
A. 1~2年 B. 2~5年 C. 5~10年 D. 10~15年 E. 15年以上 [多项选择]3种被时间反复检验可成功用于服务竞争的一般策略包括()
A. 成本领先战略 B. 差异化战略 C. 集中化战略 D. 高质量战略 [单选题] 油管堵塞阀( )检查各运动部件是否灵活。
A.装配完后 B.装配前 C.装配过程中 D.使用后 [判断题]纵联差动保护能快速、灵敏地切除保护范围内的相间短路故障,一般作为发电机和变压器的主保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交