It would be interesting to discover how
many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going
to do afterwards. If one considers the enormous variety of courses{{U}} 62
{{/U}}, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select
the course most suited to his{{U}} 63 {{/U}}and abilities. If a
student goes to university to acquire a broader{{U}} 64 {{/U}}of life,
to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will{{U}} 65
{{/U}}benefit. Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its
time tables and{{U}} 66 {{/U}}, to allow him much time for
independent{{U}} 67 {{/U}}of the work he is asked to do. Most students
would, I believe,{{U}} 68 {{/U}}by a year of such exploration of
different academic studies, especially those "all rounders" with no{{U}} 69
{{/U}}i A. overtook B. occupied C. offered D. organized [单选题]志贺氏菌属22种诊断血清中的“志贺氏菌属四种多价血清”不包括:
A. 痢疾志贺菌I型血清 B. 痢疾志贺菌II型血清 C. 福氏志贺菌(Ⅰ-Ⅵ)多价血清 D. 鲍氏志贺菌多价血清 E. 宋内志贺菌血清 [单选题] 以下哪个不是社区卫生服务的特征
A. 广泛性 B. 服务性 C. 综合性 D. 连续性 E. 可及性 [判断题]项目管理计划中可能需要更新的内容包括进度基准和进度管理计划。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Reading passage:
Student Health Center Cancellation
The university has decided to cancel the student health center on campus. The reason is that a new hospital has been opened recently in the local community. Because the new hospital is very close to the campus end most students can have convenient access to it, and also because the new hospital comes with a lot of first-class medical equipment, which the student health center lacks, the student health center’s existence is not justified anymore. Also, the money saved by canceling the student health center will be used to amplify the library storage.
The woman expresses her opinion of the school’s cancellation of the student health center. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
[单选题] 接触轨/接触网额定电压( )。
A.AC1500V B.DC1500V C.AC1800V D.DC1800V [单选题]事故发生后,事故现场有关人员应当( )向本单位负责人报告。
A.立即 B.1小时内 C.2小时内 D.3小时内 我来回答: 提交