in the Desert{{/B}} Some desert animals can survive the very strong summer heat and dryness because they have very unusual characters. The camel, for example, can{{U}} (51) {{/U}}an increase in the temperature of its body and its blood of 9℃. In addition, it can drink an enormous amount of water at one time, then store sufficient water in its red blood cells and other parts of its body to supply its needs for two weeks or more. The kangaroo rat (长鼻袋鼠) ,on the other hand,{{U}} (52) {{/U}}all the water it needs from water that it produces during respiration (呼吸). However, most animals need to{{U}} (53) {{/U}}a fairly constant body temperature, and will die if it rises more than 5℃. {{U}} (54) {{/U}},they need to find some way to avoi A. quicken B. reduce C. lighten D. keep [判断题]负荷开关在分闸时有明显的断口,故可起到熔断器作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]题干:五脏中,罢极之脏是指( )
A.心 B.肝 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾 [单选题]途中站或到站仅受理( )提出的货物运输一次变更需求。
A.托运人 B.收货人 C.托运人或收货人 D.发站电报 [单选题]保险规划的目标包括( )。
A.①② B.①②④ C.③④ D.①②③④ [判断题]办理票据转入贴现业务的,交易对手还应在本行获批相应的金融机构授信额度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列选项中,可以成为民事法律关系客体的有()。
A.公民的肖像 B.小说《诛仙》 C.运输行为 D.苹果手机 [单选题]可控型班组二个月内受站段及以上发牌率均不超过( )%,职工基本能够执行标准作业。
A.30 B.20 C.10 [单选题]以下哪项不属于接触悬挂:( ) 。【难易:简单】
A.接触线 B.承力索 C.吊弦 D.馈电线 [单选题] 配电装置送电和停电时,必须严格遵循下列操作顺序:送电操作顺序为( )。
A.开关箱一分配电箱一总配电箱 B.总配电箱一分配电箱一开关箱 C.分配电箱一开芙箱一总配电箱 D.总配电箱一开关箱一分配电箱 [单选题]单选税务检查中,下列情形不属于应当进行土地增值税的清算的情形()
A.房地产开发项目全部竣工、完成销售的 B.取得销售(预售)许可证满三年仍未销售完毕的 C.整体转让未竣工决算房地产开发项目的 D.直接转让土地使用权的 [判断题]停电的甚至是事故停电的电气设备,在断开有关电源的断路器和隔离开关并按规定做好安全措施前,任何人不得进入高压分间或防护栅内,且不得触及该设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()是人对认识和活动的需要的情绪表现,是积极探究事物的认识倾向。
[判断题]地方有关行使行政处罚权的主管部门可以根据实际情况,探索采取要求建设单位有关责任人出具证明文件、第三方询价等方式对建设项目总投资额进行认定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If the bidding frenzy over Safeway were any indication, you’d think that big grocery stores had become luxury collectibles. Every one of Britain’s top retailers—Tesco, Wal-Mart owned Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys--are making a play for Safeway, which became a takeover target when sales started lagging at its 480 stores. But the real appeal of Safeway has little to do with the value of its stores: it’s about the land they sit on. There’s now so little property available for commercial development in Britain, or in Western Europe, that buying old stores is the fastest way to find space for new ones.
This explains why European retail is one of the few industries anywhere on the globe that have been generating a steady stream of dealmaking buzz. At a time when global mergers and acquisitions have fallen 81 percent from a 2,000 peak of $ 3.4 trillion, the Safeway deal has been generating headlines since January. The bids, which started at £22.9 billion, are now under review by Britain A. They are afraid that Wal-Mart might monopolize the retail market. B. They take measures to limit the rapid expansion of top retailers. C. They’re taking precautions to prevent the monopoly of the retail market. D. They discourage grocery stores to open new stores in the countries. [单项选择]关于地方政府债券,下列论述正确的是( )。
A. 地方政府债券通常可以分为一般债券和普通债券 B. 收益债券是指地方政府为缓解资金紧张或解决临时经费不足而发行的债券 C. 普通债券是指为筹集资金建设某项具体工程而发行的债券 D. 地方政府债券简称“地方债券”,也可以称为“地方公债”或“地方债” [单选题]缓冲区和伸缩区不应设置在道口或不作单独设计的桥上。有砟桥跨度不大于()时,伸缩区可设置在桥上,但轨条接头必须设在护轨范围以外。
A.10m B.16m C.20m D.26m [判断题]单纯的企业物质形态并不是企业物质文化,只有当企业物质形态成为企业精神载体的时候,才能被说成是企业物质文化。()
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