Los Angeles--" Can you believe how cold
it is.’ " giggled Pink at the E!/Environmental Media Association’s post-Golden
Globes fete (庆祝) on Monday night in Beverly Hills. "That’s a good segue(延续),
because we’re here at this party to talk about the environment. I shouldn’t be
freezing, and if we have more parties like this, maybe I won’t be." Pink was shivering in a short-sleeved golden micromini dress, but most female partygoers were more bundled up (穿暖) against the elements. Despite heat lamps that drew crowds, the party, which was held in a tent on the top of a parking lot next to the Beverly Hilton ( where the Golden Globes show had played out earlier), was so chilly you could actually see your breath. In fact, the temperature was in the thirties by the time KT Tunstall took the stage and rocked out with a set incl A. Chilly weather puts the freeze on the E!/EMA Golden Globes party. B. Relationships between pollutions and ecology. C. The importance of ecology. D. People should keep researching on society. [多选题] 确认行调发布运营前检查任务时,( )要做好双人确认,确认无误后方可进行运营前检查。
A.行值 B.客值 C.值班站长 D.施工负责人 [多项选择]为了校核测量数据和控制整个观测区域,侧区内的水准点通常布设成一定的线性,包括哪些()。
A. 闭合水准路线 B. 附合水准路线 C. 支水准路线 D. 重合水准路线 [单选题]触电伤员脱离电源后,判断伤员有无意识应在( )以内完成。
A.5s B.10s C.30s D.60s [多项选择]为减少电磁干扰的感应效应,应采取的基本措施是()。
A. 建筑物或房间的外部屏蔽措施 B. 设备屏蔽 C. 静电屏蔽 D. 以合适的路径敷设线路,线路屏蔽 [填空题]和谐型电力机车总体设计采用高度集成化、( )的设计思路
[单选题] 一般电气设备铭牌上的电压和电流的数值是( )。
A. 瞬时值 B. 最大值 C. 有效值 D. 平均值 [单项选择] Alcoholism creates many severe physical problems. More than three drinks a day over a few weeks causes destructive changes in the liver. About 15 percent of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis, which can be fatal. Changes in the brain and nervous system result in hostile behavior, loss of mental sharpness, and poor judgment.
One third of the babies born to mothers who drink heavily, especially during the first trimester, have birth defects or retardation. This condition is called "fetal alcohol syndrome". Some drugs, such as tranquilizers, when taken with alcohol can result in death.
It has long been thought that alcoholism resulted from a combination of psychological and social factors. Current scientific research suggests that a tendency to abuse alcohol runs in families and that an inherited chemical defect also plays a role. In April 1990 researchers discovered a rare gene, possibly one of several, that may increase susceptibility to alcoholism, suggesting that alcoholis
A. a bad habit resulting from drinking too much B. a severe brain disease C. the inevitable result of heavy drink D. a fatal liver disease [多项选择]竞争性谈判,或称议标,是客户通过谈判选择咨向公司的方式。其适用条件与两阶段招标、征求建议书基本相同,也就是说,凡适用两阶段招标和征求建议书的招标均可通过竞争性谈判进行。但是,在以下 ( )的情况下采用竞争性谈判最为适宜。
A. 急需得到某种咨询服务,采用公开或邀请招标方式因耗时太久而不可行 B. 所涉及服务或风险的性质不允许事先做出总体定价 C. 由于技术原因,或由于保护专属权的原因,咨询服务只能由特定的咨询公司提供 D. 原合同的履行以需要提供某种补充服务(价值一般不超过主合同的50%)为前提 E. 能够提供咨询服务的咨询公司有限 [单选题]地面电源设备长期不用时,应定期对电源和现场插座箱通电保养,夏季每周一次,其它季节每月一次,每次通电时间不应少于( )分钟,观察通电期间是否有异常现象发生。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [判断题]经过无人看管道岔必须事先确认道岔开通位置是否正确。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]联控用语使用要求中,呼唤方发布通话内容模糊或应答方不清楚通话内容时,可结束通话。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《证券法》规定和证券法原理,下列哪些选项是正确的
A. 证券法上的证券均具有流通性 B. 证券代表的权利可以是债权 C. 所有证券投资均具有风险性 D. 所有证券发行均应公开进行 [多选题]3.101.第101题下列选择电流互感器正确的是()
A.额定一次电流应在运行电流的1%~100%的范围内; B.电流互感器的额定一次电压和运行电压相同; C.注意使二次负载所消耗的功率不超过电流互感器的额定容量,否则电流互感器的准确等级将下降; D.根据系统的供电方式,选择使用电流互感器的台数和不同的接线方式; E.根据测量的目的和保护方式的要求,选择电流互感器的准确等级 [判断题]电压的基本单位是伏特,简称伏,用“V”表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Directions:
Your neighbor often plays records so loudly deep into the night. Write a note to convey your complaint. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. [单选题]在龋病好发部位中,以下哪一项是错误的
A.磨牙咬合面 B.磨牙颊面 C.前磨牙咬合面 D.前磨牙颊舌面 E.上颌侧切牙舌面 [多选题]消防脉冲水枪主要用于扑救( )。
A.初起火灾 B.小面积的A、B类火灾 C.交通工具火灾 D.电气线路、设备火灾 我来回答: 提交