[听力原文] 11-15
Mr. and Mrs. Jones had no car of their own when they first came to the U. S. Therefore they went to work by bus every day. On one weekend, they wanted to go downtown by subway to go shopping. Then they walked to one building named "Subway". The signboard of "Subway" was very noticeable and they could see it when the bus passed it every day. At that time they did not know it was a "store", for they always believed it was a subway stop. When they arrived there they walked around the store for half an hour, but they still could not find the entrance to go down.
Finally through making an inquiry, they came to know that "Subway" is a famous store of sandwiches. "Sub" is a short form of "submarine sandwich", which is a long thin loaf of bread filled with salad and cold meat or cheese.
Since then, whenever they pass by the "Subway", they can’t help laughing.
Scotland Yard’s top fingerprint expert,
Detective Chief Superintendent Gerald Lambourne had a request from the British
Museum’s Prehistoric Department to focus his magnifying glass on a mystery.
"Somewhat outside my usual beat," he said. This was not a question of Who Did It, but Who Was It. The blunt instruments he pored over were the antlers of red deer, dated by a radio-carbon examination as being up to 5,000 years old. They were used as mining picks by Neolithic man to hack flints and chalk, and the fingerprints he was looking for were of our remote ancestors who had last wielded them. The antlers were unearthed in July during the British Museum’s five-year-long excavation at Grime’s Graves, near Thetford, Norfolk, a 93 -acre site containing more than 600 vertical shafts in the chalk some 40 A. They have found many fingerprints on tools made of it. B. They have found holes that were dug with it. C. They have discovered many tools made of it. D. They have discovered it beside relics of Neolithic men. [判断题]装有可能产生相互危险反应的危险品包装件,不得在航空器上相邻放置或者装在发生泄漏时包装件可产生相互作用的位置上。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]解除劳动合同在哪几种形式下,应当需要提前三十天以书面形式通知劳动者本人?
[填空题]Am I Making Any Money
Correct Most people and most businesses are in business to make a profit. At the On simplest level, profit means making more money than you spend on. Many 34 confuse profit with income. As a result, they can’t grasp it why all their income 35 isn’t getting them ahead; why no one wants to invest in their high-sales 36 company; why the bank won’t extend to their line of credit. Most people are very 37 good at tracking their income. When someone pays for you, that is income. 38 Income is usually related to production levels, but is not tied to it directly. You 39 may produce more or less than you sell. For instance, if you have already 100 40 widgets in the warehouse when you receive an order for 150, you only have to 41 produce out 50 additional widgets. If you make widgets for skis, you may make 42 20 widgets every month during the summer even though you don’t sell any, just 43 so that you have enough in the war [判断题]大型设备吊放时,应注意厂房地面的承载能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中秋节的由来说法不一。其中一种说法是源于在八月十五稻谷成熟时节,各家向月朝拜土地神而形成的习俗。这种起源主要说明了()。
A. 古代农民落后的迷信思想 B. 农民对农业生产的重视 C. 中国古代农业长期占主导地位 D. 农民对月亮的特殊感情 [单选题]确诊一氧化碳中毒的主要依据是
A.血液中还原血红蛋白量大于50g/L B.血液中还原血红蛋白量大于70g/L C.血液胆碱酯酶活性降低 D.血液检查碳氧血红蛋白定性阳性 E.血液中氧分压降低 [判断题]使用兆欧表测量绝缘电阻过程中,如果指针指向“0”位,说明被测设备短路,应立即停止转动手柄。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]某外贸公司销售科科长高某长期为该外贸公司联系业务,掌握着该公司的合同专用章。2001年3月,高某的弟弟由于跑运输需要买一辆东风车,由于资金不够所以打算向银行贷款,但是银行要求其提供担保。高某的弟弟撰到高某,请他想办法,并说不会亏待他。高某想到现在跑运输很赚钱,遂以该外贸公司的名义为高某的弟弟提供了担保,并在合同书上盖了该公司的合同专用章。但是高某的弟弟在运输过程中出了车祸,到期不能偿还银行的贷款。银行在这种情况下,强行从该外贸公司的账户上划走了相当于贷款的数额。该外贸公司得知后,以没有授权为理由要求银行返还该笔款项。
[单选题][T]B-B-A-004 5 2 2
120/120-1型货车空气控制阀阀体无裂损质量保证期为( ??)年。 A.6年 B.8年 C.9年 D.12年 [多选题]环网箱的设备应采用()、()、防内部故障电弧外泄、防凝露等技术,外壳具有耐候、防腐蚀等性能,并与周围环境相协调。
A.全绝缘 B.全封闭 C.半封闭 D.开放 [单项选择]当合同被撤销后,从( ) 起该合同就没有法律效力。
A. 被撤销时 B. 订立时 C. 申请撤销时 D. 发生争议时 [单选题]再利用设备主要包括配电变压器、()、配电柜和开关设备,箱式变电站处理参照配电变压器、开关柜、配电柜,其他再利用成本高、拆装中易损伤设备以报废为主。
A.开关柜 B.环网柜 C.电缆分支箱 D.综合配电箱 [单项选择]急性腹痛者,在未明确诊断前不可用()。
A. 消炎治疗 B. 镇痛剂 C. 胃肠减压 [单选题]长期抗炎治疗哮喘的最常用的方法:
A.吸入肾上腺素 B.吸入麻黄碱 C.吸入异丙托溴铵 D.吸入糖皮质激素 E.吸入色甘酸钠 [多选题]人民币合格投资者有下列情形之一的,应当在5 个工作日内报告中国证监会、人民银行和国家外汇局:( )
A.变更境内托管人; B.变更机构负责人; C.调整股权结构; D.调整注册资本; [多选题]20kV及以下配电网中的架空线路、电缆线路及其附属设备和20kV及以 下配电网中的()、()、()、()、()(包 括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、()、电缆分支箱,以及低压醴电 箱、计量箱、充电桩等范围内进行工作的作业现场。
A.配电站 B.开闭所 C.箱式变电站 D.柱上变压器 E.柱上开关 F.环网单元 我来回答: 提交