Sunshade for the Planet{{/B}} Even with the best will in the world, reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming. It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions, the uncertainties in our climate models still leave open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level. At the same time, resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough. Fortunately, if the worst comes to the worst, scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves. For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing these options for fear of inviting a sense of complacency that might thwart efforts to tackle the root of the prob A. know what they are doing. B. feel their efforts are useless. C. think the problem has been solved. D. see the real problem. [多选题]复合式破碎机过载原因,下列选项中叙述正确的是( )。
A.盘式给料机给料量过大 B.皮带打滑 C.锤头磨损严重 D.内部有大块金属异物 [单项选择]Two half-brothers, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh, were the first Englishmen to undertake serious ventures in America. Gilbert, one of the more earnest seekers of the Northwest Passage, went to Newfoundland in 1578 and again in 1583 but failed to colonize the territory either time and lost his life on the return voyage to England after the second attempt. Raleigh, in turn, was granted the right to settle in "Virginia" and to have control of the land within a radius of 200 leagues from any colonists to the new continent. The first landed on the island of Roanoke off the coast of what is now North Carolina and stayed less than a year; anything but enthusiastic about their new home, these first colonists returned to England with Sir Francis Drake in the summer of 1586. Undaunted, Raleigh solicited the financial aid of a group of wealthy Londoners and, in the following year, sent a second contingent of 150 people under the leadership of Governor John White. Raleigh had given e
A. generated huge profits. B. caused great financial losses. C. rewarded the investors heavily. D. repaid the investor’s principal. [单选题]工作许可时,工作票一份由工作负责人收执,其余留存于()处。
A.工作票签发人或专责监护人 B.工作票签发人或工作许可人 C.工作许可人或用户负责人 D.工作许可人或专责监护人 [单选题] 版5美元上面有( )处水印。
A. . 1 B. . 2 C. . 0 D. . 3 [单选题] 死亡( )人,或重伤()人以下,或直接经济损失()万元以下的,为一般事故。
A.1、10、100 B.2-5、11-19、100-1000 C.6-14、20-39、1000万-2亿 D.15、40、2亿 [单选题][T]AB008 5 1 1
油气井口装置可以( )井下套管柱和油管柱。 A.支持 B.负担 C.悬挂 D.吊挂 [单项选择]下列各项中,属于可修复废品的是
A. 技术上可以修复,而且经济上合算 B. 技术上可以修复,但是经济上不合算 C. 技术上不可以修复 D. 由于材料质量、规格、性能不符合要求而产生的废品 [判断题]施工现场应编制应急现场处置方案,配备应急医疗用品和器材等,施工车辆宜配备医药箱,并定期检查其有效期限,及时更换补充。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《特种设备安全监察条例》规定,未经( )的特种设备,不得继续使用。
A.定期检验 B.检验不合格 C.自行检查 D.日常维护 [单项选择]以下关于EPCIS基本工作原理的描述中,错误的是()。
A. 对EPCIS进行存储与查询操作的软件都是EPCIS的客户端模块的软件 B. 物联网中的EPC用户可以根据自身的需要在EPCIS数据库中写入数据 C. 数据存储模块包括:简单对象访问协议、服务器管理应用程序、数据库与实体标记语言四个部分 D. 简单对象访问协议是一种分布式信息交互协议,实现客户端与服务器管理应用程序之间的服务请求、应答的传递 [判断题]( )以自知为基础,增进自信,自爱也会随岁月的增长而自然养成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在推动创新过程中,许多出现构思来自()
A. 对顾客的观察和聆听 B. 幻想 C. 产品 D. 团队 [单项选择]
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [多项选择]砖混结构采用的抗震措施有( )。
A. 设置圈梁 B. 设构造柱 C. 设防震缝 D. 提高砖和砂浆的强度等级 E. 以圈梁代替过梁 [单选题]当人体电阻一定时,作用于人体的电压越高,流过人体的电流( )。
A.越大 B.越小 C.不确定 [单选题]调度集中原则上应将同一调度区段内、同一联锁控制范围内所有车站(车场、线路所)的( )设备纳入控制范围。[931000000]
A.信号 B.非集中联锁 C.联锁 D.信号、联锁、闭塞 我来回答: 提交