All animals must rest, but do they
really sleep as we know it The answer to this question seems obvious. If an
animal regularly stops its activities and stays quiet and unmoving——if it looks
as though it is sleeping——then why not simply assume that it is in fact
sleeping But how can observers be sure that an animal is sleeping They can watch the animal and notice whether its eyes are open or closed, whether it is active or lying quietly, and whether it responds to light or sound. These factors are important clues, but they often are not enough. Horses and cows, for example, rarely close their eyes, and fish and snakes cannot close them. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they do not sleep. Have you ever seen a cat dozing with an eye partly open Even humans have occasionally been observed to sleep with one or both eyes par A. such as turtles and snakes cannot close their eyes B. cannot be studied with an EEC C. do not sleep in the true sense of word D. do not need to rest [单选题]各类作业人员应被告知其作业现场和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施及()。
A.事故紧急处理措施 B.紧急救护措施 C.应急预案 D.逃生方法 [单项选择]女性,15岁,秋游后低热,乏力、咳嗽2周,偶有黏痰。胸片示两下肺斑点状浸润阴影。血白细胞9.8×109/L。最可能的诊断是
A. 病毒性支气管炎 B. 浸润型肺结核 C. 念珠菌肺炎 D. 军团菌肺炎 E. 支原体肺炎 [单项选择]共产党员如果敢于坚持真理,那么,必须同歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争;如果对错误的东西一味顺着、跟着、护着,那么只能助长不正之风的恶性蔓延。
所以:( ) A. 搞不正之风的人中没有共产党员 B. 只有共产党员才对不正之风进行针锋相对的斗争 C. 敢于坚持真理的共产党员必定对歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争 D. 所有的共产党员都对歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争 [单项选择]皮肤淋巴瘤大多数起源于()
A. B细胞 B. T细胞 C. 组织细胞 D. 肥大细胞 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]多层多道焊不仅由于线能量小而改善接头性能,而且由于后一道焊对前一道焊及其热影响区进行再加热,使组织和性能发生变化。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]药物代谢酶存在于以下哪些部位中
A.心 B.肝 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾 [判断题]生产过程中,未联系登记好的可先进行操作
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]地面应答器设置应同时满足CTCS-2级系统的需求,并集成CTCS-3级和CTCS-2级报文。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()是指模仿自然界中植物、动物、人物等的形态。
A. 几何形 B. 抽象形 C. 仿生形 D. 象征形 [单项选择]下列哪项是“文物与博物馆专业硕士”的英文缩写?()
A. MCHM B. MCRM C. MAHM [单项选择]()的《画山水序》是中国第一篇正式的山水画论。
A. 宗炳 B. 张墨 C. 谢赫 D. 王微 [简答题]如果你是秘书,和领导参加一项重要的会议,在飞机上发现重要的文件不见了,怎么办?
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