Few insects have inspired as much fear
and hatred as the diminutive fire ants, less than half an inch long but living
in colonies of more than 250,000 others. Everyone in the southern United States
gets to know fire ants sooner or later by painful experience. Fire ants live in
large earthen mounds and are true social insects—that means they have a caste
system (division of labor), with a specialized caste that lays eggs (queen) and
a worker caste of sterile females. There are several reasons that they are
considered pests. About 60% of people living in areas where fire ants occur are
stung every year. Of these, about 1% have some degree of allergic reaction
(call A. They may cause possible mechanical breakdowns to mowing equipment. B. A person has a 60% chance to be stung by fire ants every year. C. 1% of the fire ants will cause allergic reactions to the people stung. D. They will disrupt the food chain by killing off other ants and larger animals. [判断题]办理开卡、出售UKEY或动态令牌业务时,如出现吐卡、吐UKEY或动态令牌不成功等异常情况时,可以直接取出交给客户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《AQ1020-2006煤矿井下粉尘防治技术规范》(6.3条)规定。必须及时清除巷道中的浮煤, 清扫或冲洗沉积煤尘, 每年应至少进行 ( )次对主要进风大巷刷浆。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]排放⼯业废⽔的企业,应当对其所排放的⼯业废⽔进⾏监测,并保存( )。
A. 电⼦表格记录 B. 原始监测记录 C. 样品 [多选题]社会主义和谐社会内涵中六个方面体现了公平与效率的统一.() ( )
A. 活力与秩序的统一 B. 科学与人文的统一 C. 人与自然的统一 D. 民主与法治的统一 [单项选择]检查继发龋的最佳方法是()
A. 探诊 B. 叩诊 C. 咬诊 D. X线片 E. 去除充填物 [单选题] 8岁以下儿童禁用四环素的原因是( )
A.有胃肠道症状 B.引起二重感染 C.抑制骨、牙的生长 D.易中毒 E.有神经毒性 [单选题] 关于线虫成虫形态结构的错误描述是
A.虫体呈圆柱状或线状 B.雌虫大于雄虫 C.虫体不分节 D.雌虫尾部弯曲 E.有完整的消化道 [简答题]简述引种时温度条件不合适对引种植物有何不良影响?
One type of person that is common in many countries is the one who always tries to do as little as possible and to get as much (56) return as he can. His opposite, the man who has (57) for doing more that is strictly (58) and who is ready to accept (59) is offered in return, is (60) everywhere. [单项选择]将各种信号复用映射进STM-N帧结构信息净负荷区须经过()三个步骤
A. 抽样、量化、编码 B. 映射、定位、复用 C. 同步、定时、复接 D. 同步、定时、码速调整 [单项选择]What does the man want to be in the future()
A. A writer. B. A musician. C. An engineer. D. A doctor. [填空题][填空]( )是纠正缺氧和二氧化碳潴留的最重要措施。
[单选题]( )应具有列车自动牵引、惰行、制动、区间停车和车站定点停车、车站通过及折返作业等控制功能。控制过程应满足控制精度、舒适度和节能等要求
A.列车自动运行系统 B.车站控制联锁系统 C.自动驾驶系统 D.控制台 [单选题]根据DL/T5729—2016《配电网规划设计技术导则》规定,下列电压等级中属于高压配电电压等级的是()。
A.10kV B.35kV C.220kV D.330kV 我来回答: 提交