Water will evaporate from any wetted surface. A
.significantly large fraction of the rainfall that falls on land is returned to
the atmosphere in this fashion. In addition water is assimilated by root systems
of growing plants and is later transpired from the leaf surfaces by a process
essentially identical to evaporation. The two effects, evaporation and
transpiration, cannot be individually discriminated for their effectiveness in
returning rainfall to the atmosphere, but their sum contribution can be
evaluated and is usually called the evapotranspiration factor. The fraction of
rain falling on the United States that is returned to the atmosphere by
evapotranspiration, for example, is 70 percent; for the world as a whole,
approximately 62 percent. In arid countries such as Australia the fraction is
larger, and in less arid areas such as the United Kingdom i A. Water evaporated to atmosphere is unavailable to man because it is from useless plants. B. Man can interfere with water evaporation by growing some plants. C. Man can recycle evaporated water to grow useful plants. D. Useful plants can collect the evaporated water which will be used for other purpose. [判断题]常采用的断续角焊缝应该是交错的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在作业繁忙的调车场上,因受地形、地物影响,调车机车司机看不清调车指挥人的手信号时,设()。
A.进路表示器 B.发车线路表示器 C.发车表示器 、 D.调车表示器 [单项选择]无人机任务规划是实现的有效途径,它在很大程度上决定了无人机执行任务的效率()。
A. 自主导航与飞行控制 B. 飞行任务与载荷匹配 C. 航迹规划与自主导航 [名词解释]反租倒包
[多选题]端正人生态度应该做到( )
A.认真 B.务实 C.乐观 D.进取 [判断题]( )非进路调车作业是为了满足推送线向调车区固定进路反复取送车辆而设计的调车作业方 式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不明性质的化学物质进入眼内应
A. 立即查明化学物的性质,再进行相应治疗 B. 立即滴依地酸钠滴眼液 C. 结膜下注射维生素C D. 立即用净水冲洗眼部 E. 立即散瞳 [单选题]《动车组列车旅客运输管理办法》第3条规定,列车乘务组由列车长、列车员、乘警和( )组成。
A.随车机械师 B.餐售人员 C.运转车长 D.列车调度员 [判断题]班级管理是一种设计活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《关于推进农村商业银行坚守定位 强化治理 提升金融服务能力的意见》,农村商业银行应将股东( )写入公司章程,并对承诺落实情况进行评估。
A.三农服务承诺 B.支农支小服务承诺 C.金融服务承诺 D.出资承诺 [单项选择]我国的建筑设计程序是( )。
A. 建设项目可行性研究→建设项目决策→配合施工和参加验收→工程总结 B. 建设项目可行性研究→建设项目决策→编制各阶段设计文件→配合施工→参加验收 C. 建设项目决策→编制各阶段设计文件→配合施工和参加验收→工程总结 D. 建设项目可行性研究→编制各阶段设计文件→工程总结→参加验收 [单项选择]评价患者营养状态的指标()
A. 中性粒细胞 B. 血红蛋白 C. 嗜酸性细胞 D. 嗜碱性细胞 E. 外周血淋巴细胞 [单项选择]A Red Clause Documentary Credit is a Documentary Credit with a special condition incorporated into it that authorizes the Confirming Bank or any other Nominated Bank to make advances to the Beneficiary before presentation of the documents.
The clause is incorporated at the specific request of the Applicant, and the wording is de- pendent upon his requirements. The Red Clause Documentary Credit is so called because the clause was originally written in red ink to draw attention to the unique nature of this Documentary Credit. The clause specifies the amount of the advance authorized, which, in some in- stances, may be for the full amount of the Documentary Credit. The Red Clause Documentary Credit is often used as a method of providing the seller with funds prior to shipment. Therefore, it is of value to middlemen and dealers in areas of commerce that require to a form of pre - financing and when a buyer would be willing to make special concessions of this nature. For exam [单选题]要让 Windows Azure 上的虚拟机之间实现互相通信,您需要建立?
A.媒体服务 B.计划任务 C.网站服务 D.虚拟网络 [多选题]下列各项哪些属于党的民主集中制的基本原则的内容。( )
A.党员个人服从党的组织,少数服从多数,下级组织服从上级组织,全党各个组织和全体党员服从党的全国代表大会和中央委员会 B.党的最高领导机关,是党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会 C.党的上级组织要经常听取下级组织和党员群众的意见,及时解决他们提出的问题 D.党禁止任何形式的个人崇拜 [判断题]发生员工事故达到Ⅰ级轻伤,主要责任中层要受到行政警告处分。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交