Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following
passage. Religion consists of conscious ideas, hopes, enthusiasms, and objects of worship; it operates by grace and flourishes by prayer. Reason, on the other hand, is a mere principle or potential order, on which indeed we may come to reflect but which exists in us ideally only, without variation or stress of any kind. We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or chide us, not call for any emotions on our part other than those naturally aroused by the various objects which it unfolds in their true nature and proportion. Rationality is nothing but a form, an ideal constitution which experience may more or less embody. Religion is a part of experience itself, a mass of sentiments and ideas. The one is an inviolate principle, the other a changing and struggling force. And ye A. it relies on intuition rather than reasoning B. it is not concerned with the ultimate justification of its instinctive aims C. it has disappointed mankind D. it has inspired mankind [简答题]简述教学评价的分类。
[判断题]发生爆炸后要要辨清方向,应首先沿正确的避灾路线迅速撤退,并在撤退途中佩戴好自救器。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牵引供电系统包括牵引变电所、分区所、开闭所、馈电线和()五部分组成。
A.电力机车 B.接触网 C.电力电缆 D.电动车组 [判断题]运行中的电能表有时会反转,则这只电能表的接线一定是错误的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列行为中属于危险方法的是()
A. 放火 B. 劫持船只 C. 决水 D. 爆炸 E. 投毒 [简答题] 混凝土拌和用水应符合哪些要求?
出自:《电气装置安装工程66kV及以下架空电力线路施工及验收规范》3.2.3 [单选题]复现性是现代仪表的重要性能指标之一。测量复现性是条件下,如不同的方法,不同的观测者,在不同的检测环境,对( )被检测的量进行多次检测时,其测量结果一致的程度
A.同一 B.不同 C.任一 D.随机 [判断题]架空线路停电作业时,从其它方面无来电可能时,可仅在电源侧接地封线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对违约客户评级时,可能损失率(),客户评级等级为12级。
A. 小于20% B. 大于或等于10%,且小于20% C. 大于或等于20%,且小于40% D. 大于或等于40% [单项选择]She has a ______ attitude toward this matter. That means we can't determine on a course of action.
A. vague B. definite C. vertical D. vigorous [单选题]客运人员鞋跟高度不超过3.5厘米,跟径不小于( )厘米。
A.1.5 B.2.5 C.3.5 D.4.5 [判断题]随着电网网架的逐步发展,我国电网供电可靠性不断提高,短路电流不断降低。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]化学药剂养护()
A. 摊晾法 B. 石灰埋藏法 C. 氨水熏蒸法 D. 地下室贮藏法 E. 低温贮藏法 [单项选择]某项目第0年至第5年的净现金流量为:-2500万元,1000万元,1200万元,1300万元,1000万元,1120万元。如折现率为20%,该项目净现值为()万元
A. 789.83 B. 511.28 C. 1137.35 D. 851.34 [单选题]驼峰解散车辆,只变更( )、辆数、股道时,可不通知司机。
A.钩数 B.人数 C.作业方法 D.股道 [单选题]除抢修作业外,所有的计划检修项目的必须在EQMS系统中以日修、( )、中修(年修)三种形式委托。
A.定修 B.月修 C.季修 [单选题]11.根据《中国银监会办公厅关于加强大型银行内审监管充分发挥内审作用的意见》要求,对于内审独立、有效且风险程度低的银行或业务领域,以下哪项可作为监管评级的重要参考:( )
A.A.现场检查报告 B.B.风险评估报告 C.C.内审评价意见 D.D.内部审计报告 [单选题]()亲自参与修筑的唐招提寺,气势雄伟,结构精巧,成为日本佛寺建筑的典范。
A.鉴真 B.鸠摩罗什 C.唐玄奘 D.慧琳 [单项选择]钱××,男,16岁,时日因饮酒饱食后,出现胃脘胀满疼痛,嗳腐吞酸,大便不通,舌苔厚腻,脉滑。前医予保和丸无效,而又见胃脘胀痛而便闭,现应考虑选用的方剂为()
A. 大承气汤加减 B. 小承气汤加减 C. 保和丸加减 D. 大柴胡汤加减 E. 凉膈散加减 [单项选择]生产性粉尘按性质分类,哪种分类最全面:()
A. 无机粉尘、有机粉尘、混合性粉尘 B. 金属性粉尘、人工合成粉尘、有机粉尘 C. 矿物粉尘、人工合成粉尘、皮毛尘、 D. 矿物粉尘、金属性粉尘、有机粉尘 E. 无机粉尘、有机粉尘、人工合成粉尘 [多选题]在中枢神经中BZ受体密度最多在部位是( )
A.额叶皮层 B.枕叶皮层 C.海马 D.丘脑皮层 E.延髓 [填空题]Article Four
[多选题]城市轨道交通直线型线路行车方向以( )为下行。
[多选题]配电网业务系统是处理配电相关业务的自动化系统,主要包含( ),并通过信息交互总线或企业中台与供电服务指挥系统、配网 PMS 等进行数据交互或服务交互。
A.配电自动化系统 B.用电信息采集系统 C.电力负荷控制管理系统 D.地区级及以下电网调度控制系统 [单项选择]Although I get my flu shot regularly, I still manage to get ill at least one time each year.The shot (62) your chances of getting influenza up to 90%, (63) you don’t have to stop there.You can (64) improve the odds of staying healthy (65) following a few simple rules.
First, you need to know what you are up against.In addition to the flu, the (66) adult suffers anywhere from one to three respiratory illnesses a year, (67) all of them caused by viruses and most of them (68) in the cooler months.Cold weather also (69) to bring out the kind of bad habits, such as giving up your routine exercise, (70) probably will make you more (71) to diseases. The reason we get (72) isn’t directly 1inked to cold weather.of course.It’s that we spend more time indoors with other people and their germs. (73) you really wanted to make sure you (74) suffered another cold, y A. it B. which C. what D. they [多选题]起重机保养分为( )
A.日常保养 B.一级保养 C.二级保养 D.三级保养 我来回答: 提交